賛美歌 歌詞対照データベース PART 1

Last Updated 21 JAN. 2012 ver.2.05

賛美歌集一覧(略号 ABC 順)

(頭の記号/略称がその歌集を示します。例=E001=THE ENGLISH HYMNAL 001番

[参考] 歌集以外の文献

賛美歌 歌詞対照表

原詞 X 讃美歌
Z 讃美歌第二編
V こどもさんびか
T ともにうたおう
A 古今聖歌集

N 古今聖歌集増補版'95

C 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版

W 聖歌 L 教会讃美歌 i インマヌエル讃美歌 B 新生讃美歌 1991

F 新生讃美歌増補I

新生讃美歌 2003
Y 讃美歌21 S 救世軍歌集 (1954)
G 短歌

U 救世軍歌集 (1997)
R コーラス
Q 新聖歌 そのほか

H, Ha
主の祈り(Our Father, who art in heaven)X564, Z206A詩頌曲譜 p.37, p.62, NS75-S81
AAS37-1, -2, -3, -4, -5
表紙裏--表紙裏, B176
表紙裏, BB290
Y93-5Up.33Q053, Q054, p.826カト聖p.365, 典礼p.229, 423, K411
アーメン (Amen)X567, Z206-W390--B261Y040-Q059-
Thee will I love, my God and King (BRIDGES)★1▲X001A351--------
Now thank we all our God (Nun danket alle Gott) いざやともに★2▲▼2X002A350W291L358i103-Y011S131, U010Q006J007, H533, E031, K354
O worship the King All glorious aboveX003A316W093L157i101---Q003H466, K393, E022, K393
All people that on earth do dwell▲●X004A348-L178--Y148 YS147, U005-H365, E245, K017
Before Jehovah's aweful throne (WATTS)X005--L154---S133--
We would extol thee, ever-blessed LordX006A353--------
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! (Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness)▲X007A042--i097B009Y017-Q007H042, K394
Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore himX008A318-------H535, E263, K425
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren den machtigen Konig) (Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!) ちからのしゅを★3▲X009A157,
W089L172i071, i535B006
Y007U006Q009J005, H536, E253, カト聖603, K427
O thou my soul, bless God the Lord▲X010-----Y149---
O for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free (C. WESLEY) あめつちにまさる★2X011A438
W603L354i309BB---Y492-Q010H082, K361
Father, we thank thee who has planted (Rendez a Dieu I'nonneur supreme)X012---i571-Y152--J018, E289
(Du,meine Seele, singe)X014-----Y170---
The Lord is King! lift up thy voiceX015---i009-Y016-Q015-
(Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen)▲▼2X016-----Y012---
For the beauty of the earthX017A352W294L356i540----H309, E035, K137
せいなるみかみは 由木康▲X018N036----Y002---
Dearest Jesus, we are hear (Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, dich) (CLAUSNITZER)X019-W204L189--Y051-Q039K107
(Lobe den Herren, O meine Seele!)X020--L164-B114Y169-Q017-
Awake, my soul, and with the sun▲ (KEN)X022A173,
-L201-BB--Y209--H257, K050
New every morning is the love くるあさごとに▲X023A176, C2006-L204i107-Y210S395, U254Q027H260, K349
Father, we praise thee, now the night is over (Nocte surgentes) ちちのかみよ★1▲▼3X024A168, C2005-L203i018B005Y208-Q023H165, E248, カト聖651
Christ, whose glory fills the skies (C. WESLEY)X025A177-L211-----H258, K082
(Aus meines Herzens Grunde)X026-----Y008---
O splendour of God's glory bright (Splendor paternae gloriae)▲X027A171-L207-----H052
Come, my soul, thou must be waking (Seele, du musst munter werden) (VON CANITZ)▲X028-W097L205-----E002
Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh★2▲▼2X030-W100-i108-Y211--E037
Blest are the pure in heart▼1X031A380-L347-----J106, H370, K063
Blest are the moments, doubly blestX032--------H263
O help us, Lord; each hour of needX033A315-------H083
O gladsome light, O grace Of God the Father's face(ギリシャ語)▲X035A182-L219-----H269
Glory to thee, my God, this night (All praise to Thee, my God, this night)▲ (KEN)X036A189, C2008-L230--Y213--H267, E246, K162
O trinity of blessed light, O Unity of princely might (O Lux beata Trinitas)▲X037A183-L127--Y212--H164
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear わがたまのひかり★3▲X038A187, C2011,
AA028, AA029
W103L222i117BB517Y217S398-H274, Ha39, E013, K462
Abide with me★1▼1▲X039A188, C2010,
W104L466i118BB478Y218S396, U262Q336H363, E009, K006
The day is past and over(ギリシャ語)▲X040A190-------H276, Ha40, E273
The duteous day now closeth (Nun ruhen alle Walder) (GERHARDT)▼1▲X041-W101L220-----H278
(Die Nacht ist kommen drin wir ruhen sollen)▲X042-----Y217---
The day thou gavest Lord, is endedX043A195-L217----Q192H277, Ha16, K475
The shadows of the evening hoursX045--------E006
The day is gently sinking to a closeX046-------Q296-
At even when the sun was setX047A196-L221-----H266, K043
Heavenly Father, holy Lord (BENNETT)▲(しずけきゆうべの)X048A193-L227i115-Y496---
Now the day is over, Night is drawing nighX049A197, cf.A540-L224i149-Y219--H603, E010
Day is dying in the westX050A198-L216i122---Q025E011
Softly now the light of dayX051A194W106---Y220--E011
O what their joy and their glory must be (O quanta qualia sunt illa Sabbata)▲X053A442-L477--Y202--H465
O day of rest and gladnessX054A208, A209W094---Y204--H284, E004
This is the day of lightX055A207----Y205---
Safely through another weekX056A206W095-i019, i085B186Y206-Q008E003
Lord, we come before Thee now▼1X058-W107---Y500---
かみのめぐみ 松山高吉X059A163--------
Jesu, where'er thy people meet▼1▲X060A162-------H422, K282
(Tut mir auf die schone Pforte)▲X061--L188--Y003---
O for a thousand tongues to sing▼1▲ (C. WESLEY)しゅイエスのみいつと(ことばのかぎりに)X062A328W091-i029, i030, i088B062Y004S148, U034Q088H446, E140, K362
Come, we that love the Lord (Come, ye that love the Lord)▼1▲▼2 (WATTS)X063-W261, W486--F006-S154, U147Q154E033
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing▼1▲X064A166W111L199-----J015+
Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseX065A165W110L195i086----H273, Ha38, E014, K438
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! せいなるせいなる★1▼1◆▲●▼2X066, Z241, V008A130,
W096L131i055, i084B001,
Y351U021Q137J016, H162, Ha14, P022, E001, K212
Come, Thou almighty King よろずのもの▲X067A135,
Y352S329, U023Q138(H553), E024
(Allein Gott in der Hoh' sel Ehr')▲X068--L231--Y037-Q139-
Round the Lord in glory seatedX069C2079--------
O unity of threefold light(ギリシャ語)▲X070A133----Y353--H163
Firmly I believe and truly▲(NEWMAN)X072A132-------H390, K133
(Wunderbarer Konig)X073-----Y224---
The spacious firmament on highX074A322W116L359i092----E023, K493
All creatures of God and King (Cantico di frate sole) (Canticle of Brother Sun) (Song of Brother Son and of All Creatures) ものみなこぞりて▼1▲● (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)X075A356,
Y223S135, U007Q129E026, K009
My soul, praise the Lord! (BRIDGES)▲X076-----Y355---
The Lord our God is clothed with might (WHITE)X077-----Y357---
We praise Thee, O, God, our Redeemer (CORY)X079-W092-i054---Q011J012+, E232
(Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan)▲X080--L338--Y527-Q026-
O love of God, how strong and trueX082-----Y381, Y382---
My God, how endless is Thy love▼1▲ (WATTS)X083------S392Q159-
How gentle God's commandsX084A372W226------E045
しゅのまことは(新撰讃美歌 1890)X085--L332--Y227-Q160-
There's a wideness in God's mercyX086-W230L385i256----H499, E017, K501
God is love; his mercy brightens★1◆▲X087A370W441-i156B018-S203, U303Q220-
O God, our help in ages past (WATTS) すぎにしむかしも★1▼1▲X088A320W249L162-F014Y141S330, U020-J050, H450, E029, K366
God moves in a mysterious way▼1▲X089A319W274L384---S323, U011-H394, E044, K173
This is my Father's worldX090N020W650L382i096-Y361--E039
My God, I thank Thee, Who hast madeX092--------E160
When all thy mercies, O my GodX093-----Y009-Q028H511, E041, K544
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni, veni, Emmanuel) ひさしくまちにし▲X094A005, A006-L009i417B025Y231-Q068J023, H008, Ha24, P218, E249, K358
わがこころはあまつかみを(讃美歌 1903)▲X095--L014i397B026Y175-Q067-
A great and mighty wonder! (Flos de Radice Jesse)(ギリシャ語)エサイのねより▲X096, T043A019W149L017i418-Y248-Q069J033, H019, K002
あさひはのぼりて(新撰讃美歌 1890)▲▼2X097A004-L024i408-Y268S425Q070-
Hark! the herald Angels sing あめにはさかえ▼1▲▼2 (C. WESLEY)X098A018,
Y262S423, U039Q079J029, H024, P202, E067, カト聖652, K199
Bright and joyful is the mornX099-----Y266---
Let all mortal flesh keep silence(ギリシャ語)いけるものすべて★1▲X100A224-L250--Y255-Q073J075+, H318, E250, K295
From heaven above to earth I come (Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her)▲ (LUTHER)X101, Z220-W119L023--Y246---
Good Christian men, rejoice (In dulci jubilo) もろびとこえあげ▲X102A034W131L020i399-Y247-Q081J034+, E070, K182
The first Noel the angels did say (O Lux beata, Trinitas) まきびとひつじを▲X103, Z242A029,
W127L032i410BB185Y258U043Q082J026, P209, E073, カト聖653, K477
(Kommet, ihr Hirten, ihr Manner und Frau'n) (RIEDEL)X104A033--------
Angels we have heard on high (Les anges dan nos campagnes) あらののはてに★2X106, Z243A035,
Y263U041Q078J035, P213, E069, K034, カト聖121, カト聖608
(Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier)▲▼2X107--L034--Y256-Q083-
O thou joyful, O thou wonderful (O du frohliche) いざうたえ▼1◆●X108, V026A031W146L035i411-Y260--cf.カト聖301
Silent night, holy night! (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht!) きよしこのよる★2◆▲●▼2▼3X109, Z244, V027A027,
Y264S415, U045Q077J028, P223, E064, カト聖111, カト聖607, K444
O Jesus so Sweet, O Jesus So Mild (O Jesulein suss, O Jesulein mild) (THILO)▼2X110-W120L046--Y249---
O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant (Adeste, fideles) かみのみこはこよいしも▼1◆▲X111, Z245A020,
W130L026i398BB157Y259S418, U044Q075J025, H028, H614, P222, E075, カト聖113, カト聖531, K357
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes もろびとこぞりて★1▼1▲X112, Z246, V028A002,
-L003, L025i406B027,
Y261S424Q076H006, P208, カト聖654, K198
Angels from the realms of gloryX113C2020W144-i395--S419, U040-E063, K034
It came upon the midnight clear あめなるかみには▲X114A021,
AA083, AA084
W125L027i403BB160Y265U042Q080H026, P214, E061, K253
O little town of Bethlehem ああベツレヘムよ◆▲▼2X115A023, A024
AA085, AA086
W124L028i402BB173Y267U038Q084J037, H015, P205, E066, カト聖655, K377
When marshaled on the nightly plainX116---i400-----
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning▲▼2X118A039W141L054i419-Y278--H041, Ha09, E078, K071
ひつじはねむれり 三輪源蔵▼1▲●X119--L031--Y252---
まぶねのなかに 由木康★1◆▲X121, V030A331-L307i153B037Y280-Q099-
Ye fair green hills of GalileeX122A330--i609-Y289-Q098-
Thou didst leave Thy throneX124A025W136-i405, i416-Y443U075Q100E068, K513
O young and fearless ProphetX125-----Y438---
Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deepX127A332-------H541, Ha62
All glory, laud, and honor to thee (Gloria, laus et honor) あがないぬしにX129A074W154L077--Y308, Y309--J055+, H622, E081, K011
Thine is the glory (Tochter Zion, freue dich!) (A toi la gloire)X130, V033A333W168L453i423B165-U071--
Ride on! ride on in majesty!▲X131A075, C2038W153L079-----H620, E082, K435
What grace, O Lord, and beauty shoneX132A334W151-i607-Y288---
'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browX133A086W164-i427----E083
O come and mourn with me awhileX134A088-------H111, Ha11
At the Cross her station keeping (Stabat mater dolorosa) (TODI)▲X135A091, C2039-L085-----J052, H115a, K044
O sacred Head, now wounded (O sacred Head surrounded) (O sacred head, sore wounded) (O Sacred Head once wounded) (Salve caput cruentatum) (O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden) ちしおしたたる★1▼1◆▲●X136, Z231A083,
Y310, Y311U057Q114J046, H102, E089, カト聖171, K389
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (Pange lingua, gloriosi proelium certaminis) (FORTUNATUS)▲X137, Z090A078-L063--Y292--H095, K446
Alas! and did my Savior bleed (Alas! and did my Saviour bleed) (WATTS)X138AA--W613--B046, B047,
Y298S010, U051Q106, Q115E085
In the Cross of Christ I gloryX139A335W162, W457L064i430----H409, K249
(Jesu, meines Lebens Leben)X140-----Y296---
(O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid!)▲▼2X141A099--------
When I survey the wondrous Cross さかえのしゅイエスの★1▼1▲▼2 (WATTS)X142A077,
W158, W159L071i051, i075, i429B044,
Y297S009Q117, Q118H107, E091, K549
Sweet the moments, rich in blessingX143--L070-----H105
Lord, in this Thy mercy's dayX145A056-------H076, Ha10
The strife is o'ver, the battle done (Finita jam sunt praelia) ハレルヤハレルヤ★3▲X146, Z247A108,
W166L089, L104i432BB245Y328-Q124J057, H625, E105, K495
Good christian men rejoice and sing!X147A105----Y322-Q122K181
(Surrexit Christus hodie)X148, V041A100, cf.A106-L090-B051Y325S410Q123-
Hail thee, Festival Day! (Salve, festa dies)▲X149A110-L087-----H624, H628, H630, H634
Christ the Lord is risen again! (Christ ist erstanden) あくまのしばし▲X150A109, C2045-L103i433-Y316--J059+, H129, Ha12, K080
Lift your glad voices in triumph on highX151-----Y327---
Angels, roll the rock awayX152--------E100
(Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden)▼2X153--L101--Y323-Q125-
The day of Resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad(ギリシャ語)★1▲▼3X154A101W170L095--Y326-Q126H137, E098, K474
Jesus lives! thy terrors now can no more (Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich)▲X156A111-L100-B052---H134, K272
(Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein)X157--L112--Y336---
Ring, O ring, ye chimes of glory (DAVIDSON)▲X158A342--i435--S411--
See the Conqueror mounts in triumphX159-------Q131H145, K441
(Einer ist Konig, Immanuel sieget)X161-----Y356---
All hail the power of Jesus' name あまつみつかいよ★3▲X162, X163, Z248A358,
W180, W181L158i066, i067B055, B056,
BB274, BB275, BB276
Y013S141, U027, U028Q005, Q140H364, E032, K013
Crown him with many crowns こひつじおば▲X164A340W179L308i078F012Y358-Q004J019, H381, Ha49, P185, E113, K103
O could I speak the matchless worth★2X165-W087------E025
Fairest Lord Jesus (Schonster Herr Jesu) イエスきみは●X166A346,
Y482S145Q141P015, E106, カト聖288
Come, let us join our cheerful songs▲(WATTS)X167A357W477L168i077---Q016H376, Ha48, K094
There is no name so sweet on earthX168A347--i041--S140, U029Q142-
Hark! the song of JubileeX169-----Y577---
A few more years shall rollX171A440-----S059-H361
(Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen)X172--L011--Y573---
Lo! he comes with clouds descending (C. WESLEY)X173A013W188----S061-H007, E060, K307
Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling (Wake awake! for night is flying) (Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme) 2おきよよはあけぬ★2▲▼X174A010,
W184L137i675BB257Y230S066Q147H012, E279, K529
And must I be to judgement brought (C. WESLEY)X175---i561-----
Breathe on me, Breath of God▼1X177N008-L375--Y348, Y349S234, U082-K069
Come, O Creator Spirit, come (Veni, Creator Spiritus)▼1X178, T046A250, A276W192---Y339, Y340--H154, Ha30
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove▼1X180A126-L115-----E048
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove▼1 (WATTS)X181-----Y350---
Come, thou holy Paraclete (Come, Holy Ghost) (Come, Holy Spirit) (Veni, sancte Spiritus)▲X182A125-L118-----H155
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart▼1X183-W193L119i331-Y342---
Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedX184A123-------H157, Ha31, E047, K410
Holy Ghost, with light divine (REED)X185-W191-i090----E049
Break Thou the bread of life★2X187N027,
Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceX188-W197------E055
O Word of God incarnate▲▼2X190A310W194L239--Y055--E051
The church's one foundation★2▲X191A304W201, W361L271i052-Y390-Q143J008, H489, E213, K473
I love Thy kingdom, LordX192-W202, W203L276-----E217
Glorious things of thee are spoken (AUSTRIA) さかえにみちたる★3▲X194A303W199L277i033B115-S227Q145H393, E218, K158
Lord of our life (Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine)▲X195--L273--Y391--H435, K315
O where are kings and empires nowX197A306-L270--Y395---
(Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen)X198--L247, L483--Y066---
わがきみイエスよつみのみは(新撰讃美歌 1890)X199A243----Y067-Q043-
原詞 X 讃美歌
Z 讃美歌第二編
V こどもさんびか
T ともにうたおう
A 古今聖歌集

N 古今聖歌集増補版'95

C 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版

W 聖歌 L 教会讃美歌 i インマヌエル讃美歌 B 新生讃美歌 1991

F 新生讃美歌増補I

新生讃美歌 2003
Y 讃美歌21 S 救世軍歌集 (1954)
G 短歌

U 救世軍歌集 (1997)
R コーラス
Q 新聖歌 そのほか

H, Ha
Blessed Jesu! here we stand (Dearest Jesu, we are here) (Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, deinem Worte)▲ (SCHMOLCK)X200-W204L246--Y068--H336
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee (Adoro te devote)★1▲X202--L264--Y072--H331
How sweet and silent is the placeX203-W209-------
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to faceX205-W210---Y078-Q046H312, E212
きよきところを 藤本伝吉X210-------Q498-
Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbsX206-W211---Y077-Q047E209
O holy Lord, our GodX211---i627-Y097-Q501-
How beauteous are their feet▲ (WATTS)X212A288--------
みどりのまきばに 藤本伝吉★3▲X213---i630-Y098-Q500-
From Greenland's icy mountains★3▲▼2X214A290W527-i356--S280, U320Q432H547, E198
The morning light is breakingX215A295-------E199
Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morningX216-W535------E197
あまつましみず 永井えい子★3◆▲X217---i154-Y404-Q433-
Watchman, tell us of the nightX218-W187---Y236--E061
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun★3▲ (WATTS)X220A046W182L278-----H420, E204, K277
Christ for the world we singX221-W220-------
Hark! hark, my soul!X222A444-----S298-H399, E144
Ye servants of God (C. WESLEY)X224-W221L361--Y401--E030, cf.カト聖302, K565
すべてのひとに 由木康★2X225--L289-B203Y405---
Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish waysX226-----Y096--E299
O Thou not made with handsX227--------H464
がりらやのかぜ 由木康★3◆X228--L290i357B143Y494---
Sing we of the Golden City (ADLER)X231---i680-----
When wilt thou save the people?X232--------H566
Thy kingdom come! O LordX233A008-L136-----H504, K520
むかししゅイエスの 由木康X234---i355B144Y412S342, U025Q146-
Rise up, O men of God!X235-W216L419-----E195
I heard the voice of Jesus say, 'Come unto me and rest つかれたるものよ▲X238A395W224L292i158, i159-Y432S105, U141-H574, E215, K231
Return, o wanderer, return★2X239A458--i169--S011--
Jesu, thou art standing とざせるかどを★1X240A070W411L295i172B110Y430--H578, Ha65, E112
みよよをこぞり 由木康▼1X241-----Y559---
ああしゅのひとみ 井置利男、梅田信治★2X243----B112Y197-Q221-
ゆけどもゆけども 長坂金次郎X244-----Y437---
Depth of mercy! can there be (C. WESLEY)X246-W561---Y442S074--
I was a wandering sheepX247---i170-----
Chief of sinners though I be▼1X249A369--i175---Q033-
Saviour, when in dust to TheeX255A073, C2090-L084-----H087
(O Lamm Gottes, unschulding)★1▲▼2X257A337-L234--Y087-Q048-
From depths of woe I raise to Thee (Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir) (LUTHER)▼1▲X258-W228L300i494-Y022, Y160---
(Giesu sommo conforto)(Jesus, Refuge of the Weary) (SAVONAROLA)▲X259--L073i424-Y481---
Rock of ages, cleft for me ちとせのいわよ★1▼1▲X260A387,
W248L318i056, i057, i058, i059BB543Y449S073, U132, U133Q229H477, E132, K437
There is a green hill far away (ALEXANDER) みやこのそとなる★3▲X261A076W395-i425--S104, U067Q110H106, E088, K499
Beneath the Cross of Jesus★1▲X262-W156L386i037-Y300U224Q230H567, Ha22, E090, K059
Blow ye the trumpet, blow (C. WESLEY)X263A345----Y431---
Praise to the Holiest in the heightX264A323-------H471, K426
(Ist Gott fur mich, so trete)X266-----Y455---
A mighty fortress is our God (A safe stronghold our God is still) (Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott) かみはわがやぐら (LUTHER) ★1▼1◆▲X267A389,
Y377S124, U284Q280J002, H362, E150
My faith looks up to thee まごころもて★3▲▼2X268A388W270L397i143B126Y441S188, U295-H439, Ha58, E134, K339
I lay my sins on JesusX269A402-------H575
My faith, it is an oaken staffX270---i498B123Y458-Q275-
Just as I am, without one plea いさおなきわれを★3▼1▲X271A397-L306i259B109Y433S071, U127Q231H316, E119, K287
We saw thee not when thou didst comeX272A390--i021-Y287--H509
Jesu, Lover of my soul (Jesus, Lover of my soul) わがたましいをあいするイエスよ★1▲ (C. WESLEY)X273A403,
W245L350i060, i061, i062, i063, i064B140,
Y456S339, U307Q276, Q310H414a, E131, cf.カト聖005, K261
Strong Son of God, immortal Love★3▲X275--------H483
Once to every man and nationX276-W304L454--Y511--H563, E275
I sought the Lord, and afterward I knewX277--L377------
My hope is built on nothing less わがみののぞみは★1X280A423, C2093,
Y474S201, U308Q363E145
(Zeuch an die Macht, du Arm des Herrn) (OSER)X281--L269--Y392---
みさかえはしゅにあれ 由木康▲X282-----Y378---
How firm a foundationX284-W240, W241-i382----E151, K216
Thy way, not mine, O Lord しゅよみてもて★2▼1▲X285A377-L476i593B153Y504S207, U306Q384H505, K521
God is the refuge of his saints▲ (WATTS)X286A386--i031-Y457U283Q297-
How sweet the names of Jesus sounds▼1▲▼3X287A327-L173---S146, U033-H405, E107, K220
Lead, kindly Light たえなるみちしるべの★2▼1◆▲ (NEWMAN)X288A427W276L414i542, i549, i558BB--Y460S333-H425, E164, K292
(Befiehl du deine Wege)▼1▲▼2X290, Z106A392----Y528---
(Harre, meine Seele)▼1X291---i499---Q298カト聖656
Jesu, Saviour, pilot me★2▲X292-W247L409i545, i550BB490Y462S331, U266-E102
He leadeth me, oh blessed thought みめぐみゆたけきX294A433,
Y461S334, U292Q300, Q474E165
Peace, perfect peaceX295A401-L341i471----H468, E261, K413
In heavenly Love abidingX297--------E149, K246
Be still, my soul (Stille, mein Wille, dein Jesus hilft siegen)★3▲●X298A258W309L337i491-Y532-Q303E053, K054
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss▼1▲X299--------E158
Immortal love forever full (We may not climb the heavenly steeps) (WHITTIER)X300-W286L475-----H408, E176, K243
やまべにむかいてわれ 別所梅之助▲●▼2X301A393-L333i024-Y155-Q299-
I feel the winds of God todayX302-----Y557---
(Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten)★3▲X304--L324--Y454---
Prayer is the soul's sincere desireX308A406--i123----H474, E130
Sweet hour of prayer▼1▲X310A410W254L370i141B169Y495S235, U257Q190E125
What a friend we have in Jesus いつくしみふかき★1▼1◆▲▼3X312, V061A486
W607L371i140, i165B170,
Y493S115, U255Q209, Q210P099, E110, カト聖657, K541
このよのつとめ 由木康★3▲●X313--L424i128-Y497S236, U256--
From every stormy wind that blows★3▲X315A422W509-i116---Q322E129
In the hour of trial★2▲X316-W307L460i119-Y530--E185
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Oremus)▲ (WHITTIER)X317A159W268L362i114----H383, Ha50, E162, K106
I love to steal awhile away★3▼1▲X319A184--i120-----
Nearer, my God, to thee しゅよみもとにちかづかん★2▼1◆▲●X320A430,
W260L471i025BB603Y434, Y435S126, U291Q510H444, E135, カト聖658, K348
More love to thee, O ChristX321A367W263-i562B139Y483-Q364E123
かみよおじかのたにがわの(讃美歌 1903)▲X322---i564-Y132-Q304-
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my AllX324A364W310L399----Q353H417, Ha19
Walk in the lightX326A439W290-i340-Y502-Q335E056
He who would valiant be 'Gainst all disaster,'X328A413-------H402, E247, K205
Must Jesus bear the cross alone?X331A375W163-i569--S189, U217-E094
Thy life was given for me (I gave my life for thee)★1▼1▲X332A383W157L389i591B217Y513U220Q102E087
Make me a captive, Lord★2▼1▲X333-W257L393i565-Y529--E268
(Valet will ich dir geben)▲X334--L480--Y571---
Jesus, I my cross have taken▲▼1X336A399W264L395i278--S191, U213-E175
For me to live is ChristX337A391--i566-----
O Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end しゅよおわりまで★2▲X338A248, A437W298L394i588B152Y510-Q385H577, E178, K372
Take my life, and let it be★1▼1▲X339A461W313L391--Y512S404, U245Q365H582, E169, K464
All for Jesus, all for JesusX340-----Y506--K010
(Ein reines Herz, Herr, schaff in mir) (NEUSS)X341--L392------
(O jesu Christ, mein schonstes Licht)▼1X342--L346------
To Thy cross, dear Christ, I'm clinging (HARRIS)▲X343---i014-----
Take Thou our minds, dear LordX344-----Y521---
How brightly shines the Morning Star! (O Morning Star, how fair and bright) (Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern)▲▼2X346A324W121L057--Y276-E346, Q097-
Jesu! - the very thought is sweet! (Jesu, dulcis memoria)▲▼2X347, X353A418----Y477S149-H238, K264
O holy Saviour, friend unseenX349A398--------
My God, I love Thee; not because (O Deus, ego amo te)▲X350A365-----S209-H080, K344
One there is, above all othersX351--L335i563--S117--
Love Divine, all loves excelling (C. WESLEY) あめなるよろこび★3▲X352, Z150A362W118L348i289, i330B098Y475, Y476-Q211, Q212H437, E043, K321
Saviour, like a shepherd lead us かいぬしわがしゅよ ★1▼1▼2▼3X354, V034A343, C2106
W332L410i040B182Y459S127, U282Q206P144, E163, カト聖659
しゅをあおぎみれば 宮川勇★3X355-----Y579-Q199-
わがきみイエスよみゆるしなくば 奥野昌綱▼1▲▼2▼3X356---i176-----
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heartX358-W259---Y531--E260, K056
Tarry with me, O my SaviourX359---i121-----
O love that wilt not let me go▼1▲X360-W282L351i574----E042, K384
Jesus, I live to theeX361A405----Y518-Q511-
God send us men whose aim will be (God send us men whose aim 'twill be)X362-W215-------
(Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit)X363-----Y440---
My Jesus, as Thou wilt (Mein Jesu, wie du willst)▲X365A378W296-i594----E155
I do not ask, O LordX366---i570-----
Work, for the night is comingX368A477W321-i629----E170
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve (AULD LANG SYNE) 蛍の光★3▼1▲●X370-W305L457i631-Y537S254, U334-E183
Go, labour on; spend, and be spentX374A297W323---Y565S283-H556
みよむらがるあくのれい(ギリシャ語) (Christian, dost thou see them on the holy ground,)▲X375, Z014--L067--Y539--H072, E272
The son of God goes forth to war▲▼2X376A302-L464--Y535--H202, E189
Fling out the banner!X378A293W537L282i652B213---H546
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war みよやじゅうじかの★2▲X379A300W300L452i649B190-S256, U325-H643, E187
Stand up! - stand up for Jesus! たてよいざたて★3▲▼3X380A412W302, W303L451i644B191-S253, U327Q454H581, E188
Fight the good fight with all thy might ちからのかぎりにX381A052W306-i650?B189Y538--H389, E191, K128
March on, O soul, with strength!X382-W301-------
Am I a soldier of the cross (WATTS)X384A411W517-i648--S257, U339-E095
Through the night of doubt and sorrow (Igjennem Nat og Traengsal) (INGEMANN)X385A431W297L413i647-Y411--H503, Ha61, E181, K517
All praise be to GodX386A139--------
Forth in Thy Name, O Lord (C. WESLEY)X388A175-L427--Y370--H259, E292, K143
Master, no offering★2▲X391A515--i635-Y567-Q386E265
The voice of God is callingX392-----Y519---
Deem not that they are blest aloneX396A260--------
やまいのとこにも 奥野昌綱▼2X397A259-----S347Q442-
Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish★2▼1▼3X399-W308L470i155--S027, U091Q443E152
May the grace of Christ our SaviourX401A167-------K333
Blest be the tie that binds かみによりて▼1▲X403A495W316L438i622B120Y540--E194
やまじこえて 西村清雄◆▲X404---i459-Y466-Q507カト聖661
God be with you till we meet again かみともにいまして★1◆▲●X405, Z203A497,
AA522, AA523
W348L430i625, i626BB366Y465, Y541S454, U394Q508H524, E015, カト聖660
Eternal Father, strong to save (The Navy Hymn)▲X407A498, C2096-L428-----E038, K114
(Lapsus est annus, redit annus alter) (The year is gone, beyond recall)X408A503--------
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyX410-W360-----Q519E207
Great God, we sing thy mighty hand (Great God, we sing Your mighty hand)▼1▲X411A505-L048-B253Y367-Q521-
Father, let me dedicateX413-------Q520-
わがやまとのくにをまもり 松山高吉X415A506-----S457--
In Christ there is no East or WestX419A492W315L434--Y560--K244
God of the nations, near and farX420-----Y561---
We plough the fields, and scatter (Wir pflugen und wir streuen) (CLAUDIUS)X422A284W324L497--Y386S414, U390-H293, E203, K534
Sing to the Lord of harvestX423-W326-i534-Y387---
讃美聖天父 (Tsu-chen Chao)▲X425A287----Y388---
つきひのながれかえらねど 福田憲之X427A513--------
O Perfect Love, all human thought transcending またきあい▲▼2X428A256-L491-240Y102-Q502J020, H346, K387
O love divine and golden (O love divine and tender) (MONSELL)▲X429A254--i452-Y101U392Q503-
いもせをちぎる(新撰讃美歌 1890)X430A255--i451--S430, U393Q504-
O happy home, where Thou art loved (O selig Haus, wo man dich aufgenommen)X431-W352L442------
(Dit hus skal du byggs) (PAULLI)X432A514--------
みかみをちちと (Where God as Father dwelleth) 湯谷瑳一郎▲X434---i109-----
みかみのたまいし 松山高吉▲X440A500--i463-Y556---
Angel voices, ever singingX442A521-------K033
Rejoice, ye pure in heart, RejoiceX443A520W343L343i381----H644, E020
Morning has broken (FARJEON)X444C2001-------K337
We are not Here to play, to dream, to drift (Be Strong; BABCOCK)▲X445---i645-----
True-hearted, whole-hearted (Truehearted, wholehearted,)▼1▲X448-W511-i653-Y536-Q390E148
God, who touchest earth with beautyX449---i069-Y514--E159
O Thou Whose feet have climbed life's hillX450--L448--Y552---
I would be true, for there are those who trust me▲●▼2X452-W331-i633-Y520-Q366E182
We've a story to tell to the nationsX453A518W529-i360B201Y403-Q437-
Father, we thank thee for the nightX454, V003A534--------
When he cometh▼2X458A527, C2073--------
Jesus, tender shepherd, hear meX459A539W675----S364--
Jesus loves me, this I know しゅわれをあいす★1▼1◆▲X461, V035A371,
W655--BB523Y484S351, U293Q505E240
Hushed was the evening hymn▲●X462-W344------E139
Little drops of water, Little grains of sandX463---i268--S365-H600
By cool Siloam's shady rillX464A535--------
I'm glad the golden sunlight (WILSON)X465, V014---------
I think, when I read that sweet story of old▼3X467A538W685------H595, E271
In the bleak mid-winter frosty wind made moanX468A037-------H025, K248
Once in royal David's city (ALEXANDER)▲X469A026W658--F029-S422, U046-H605, E059, K403
For all the Saints, who from their labours restX470, Z004A137W362L142, L144--Y379S312-J088, H641, Ha23, E222, K134
I'm but a stranger here▼1X475A266--------
My latest sun is sinking fastX476---i453---Q473-
Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep▼1X477A265W363-i462-Y108--E230
O where shall rest be foundX478---i458-----
Behold a host, arrayed in white (Den store hvide flok vi se)X481-W365L496--Y574---
One sweetly solemn thoughtX482-W364-i454----E241
Forever with the Lord!X483------U377-E223
Jerusalem the golden (Urbs Sion aurea)X484A447-L479-----H412, E221, K259
O mother dear, JerusalemX485A487-------E220
I will sing you a song of that beautiful land (Home of the Soul)X486-W637-i455-----
Silently the shades of eveningX487A273--------
There's a land that is fairer than day (In the Sweet By and By) (BENNETT)X488A490W645-i666-Y111S318, U378Q517E228
We shall reach the summer land (Some Sweet Day, By and By; CROSBY)X489A493--i456---Q518-
There is a happy land, far, far away▼1▲X490A531-----S320, U373-H608
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying (CROSBY)▼1X493-W526-i362, i369--S278, U328Q435E172
In some way or other (COOK)★1X494A479-L416i543-Y463S202, U309Q301-
Beautiful lilies, white as the snow●▼3 (CLEATOR)X496-W664-i457---Q128-
Jesus keep me near the cross▼1▲ (CROSBY)X495A469W396-i568--S111, U061Q367P043, E093
O how sweet the glorious message (SIMPSON)X497-W602-i072, i074-----
Come, Holy Spirit, like a dove descending (CROSBY)X498---i016-----
Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit (Fill me now) ▼1X499A467W577---Y343S210, U086Q136-
Dear Spirit, lead me to the Saviour's side (BELL)●X500---i043B075----
Sing them over again to me (Wonderful Words of Life) いともかしこし▲X501A454W196-i385, i390B078-U090-E058
I love to tell the story★1▲X502A453W525-i166, i370F056Y402U003Q434E122
Sowing in the morning (Bringing in the Sheaves)★2X503-W322-i353--S413, U389-E171
Far and near the fields are teemingX504A452--i354--S279, U333--
There is a gate that stands ajarX505A471--------
For God so loved! O wondrous thought (WHITTLE)▲X506---i042-----
More holiness give me▲●▼3X508A478--i612-----
Fade, fade each earthly joy (Jesus is mine)X509A482--------
Though far you may stray, though you circle the earth (BRECK)▼2▼3X510---i162-----
Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry (Take me as I am)X511------S077, U129--
I've found a friend in Jesus (FRY) ▼1▼2X512-W611, W726-i046, i047--S116, U182Q204-
O how happy are they who the Saviour obey (C. WESLEY)X513---i518-----
I hear the Saviour say (Jesus Paid It All)●X514---i179B088--Q232-
I hear thy welcome voice じゅうじかのちに★2●X515A463W555-i321B092Y436S158Q045, Q374H573, E057
O happy day that fixed my choice▼1▲X516-W231-i164, i220B167-S091, U154-E121, K369
Jesus is tenderly calling to-day (Jesus is tenderly calling you home)★2▼1◆▲ (CROSBY)X517A455W404--B105-U125Q176E114
Some day the silver cord will break▼1 (Saved by Grace; CROSBY)X518-W640-----Q514E153
Saviour, lead me, lest I stray (Lead me, Savior)X519A480W501-i126--U268-E167
When peace like a river attendeth my way (It is well with my Soul) ★1◆X520A481W476-i465--U287Q252E157
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole (Whiter than Snow)X521A470W545----S183, U192Q369-
O weary Pilgrim, lift your headX522A474--i160-----
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour (Pass me not, O living Saviour)▼1▲ (CROSBY)X524A062W540-i253--S068, U128Q283E117
I need Thee every hour★3▼1▲X525A465W487L374i146, i469--S233, U261Q302E111, K234
My Jesus, I love TheeX526-W601-i567, i586F020-S123Q337E096
O thou, in Whose presence my soul takes delightX527---i017-----
In the secret of His presence▼1X528---i124-----
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine▼1▲ (CROSBY)X529A472W232-i510, i511--S098, U136Q266P056, E036, K062
My life flows on in endless song (How can I keep from Singing?)▲X530A483--i507-----
There comes to my heart one sweet strain (Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love)▼3X531A473W470-i472---Q246-
Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine (Moment by Moment)X532-W609-i473---Q202E101
There's sunshine in my soul to-day▼1X533---i512--S086--
I will sing for Jesus (GATES)X534---i073-Y464-Q174-
One more day's work for JesusX535---i112--S397--
Cast thy bread upon the watersX536---i632-Y566---
わがしゅのみまえに(新撰讃美歌 1896)▲●▼2X537A494-L456i044-Y543---
I am coming to the crossX538-W427-i189--S224, U250Q237E118
Praise God from whom all blessing flow (Doxology) (KEN) あめつちこぞりて/すべてのめぐみの▼1X539A448, A449, A450W384*L501i002, i003B258, F063, F064Y024G201Q060J003, E234, K417
ちちみこみたまの (To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) (As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams) (TATE and BRADY)X541-W383-i007B257-G145 Q063-
あまつみたみもX544- ------Q062-
Glory be to the Father (ちちのみかみに)X545-W385-i005B259---E235
Heilig, heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr!★3▲● (SCHUBERT)X546, Z236Ns63----Y083--カト聖075
We bring these our gifts for Thy service, dear Saviour (HARRIS) いまささぐるX547, V017-----Y065-Q055-
We give thee but thine ownX548-W377, W379L423----Q056H522
原詞 X 讃美歌
Z 讃美歌第二編
V こどもさんびか
T ともにうたおう
A 古今聖歌集

N 古今聖歌集増補版'95

C 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版

W 聖歌 L 教会讃美歌 i インマヌエル讃美歌 B 新生讃美歌 1991

F 新生讃美歌増補I

新生讃美歌 2003
Y 讃美歌21 S 救世軍歌集 (1954)
G 短歌

U 救世軍歌集 (1997)
R コーラス
Q 新聖歌 そのほか

H, Ha
The advent of our God (Instantis adventum Dei)▼1-A001-------H011, K470
Joy to the world! The Lord is come (WATTS) (cf.H003, A002)もろびとこぞりて▼1-A003W122-i407--U047-J031, E076, M167, K283
Hark! a thrilling voice is calling (Vox clara ecce intonat)Z048A012-L010i672-Y240--H005, K196
Ye servants of the Lord-A014-------H518, K566
Creator of the stars of night (Conditor alme siderum)▲Z088A015----Y228--H001, K102
While shepherds watched their flocks by night-A022W143--B036Y251S417, U050-H030, Ha22, E072, K554
(Entre le baeuf et l'ane gris) (The Sleep of the Infant Jesus)Z114A028--------
God rest you merry, gentlemenZ128A030W128-----Q074E071, K176
We three kings of Orient areZ052A036W135-i414---Q096J040, E077, K537
As with gladness men of old-A038W150L059i396----J039, H039, E208, K041
Saw you never in the twilight (ALEXANDER)-A040-------E285
Songs of thankfulness and praise-A041-------H047
Alleluya, song of sweetness (Alleluya, dulce carmen)-A043, C2029, C2030-L061-----H063
Hail to the Lord's Anointed!-A044-------H045, K193
Why, impious Herod, shouldst thou fear (Hostis Herodes impie)-A045-------H038
Thy kingdom come, O God (HENSLEY)-A048-------H554, Ha64, K519
Soldiers Who to Christ Belong (Soldiers, who are Christ's below) (Pugnate, Christi milties)-A049-------H480, K450
Soldiers of Christ, arise (C. WESLEY)Z027A050-------H479, E186, K449
Oft in danger, oft in woe-A051-------H467, K396
Maker of earth, to Thee alone (Creator of the world, to thee) (Te laeta, mundi Conditor)-A053-------H064
Forty days and forty nights-A055----Y284--H073, E296, K145
The glory of these forty days (It is the glory of this fast) (Clarum decus jejunii)-A058-------H068
'Chiristian, seek not yet repose,'-A059-------H374
Lord Jesus, think on me(ギリシャ語)-A061----Y023--H077, K312
Weary of earth and laden with my sin-A063-------H091, Ha25
Have mercy, Lord, on me-A066-------H074
O for a closer walk with God▼1-A067W288L321-B197-S082-H445, E133, K360
Drop, drop, slow tears-A068-------H098, K112
Jesus, and shall it ever be-A072-------E143
How bright these glorious spirits shine!▼1▲ (WATTS)-A080W161-i422----H199
O dearest Lord, thy sacred head-A081-------K359
O thou who through this holy week-A082-------H109
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended (Ah, holy Jesus) (Herzlibster Jesu) (HEERMANN)▼2-A084-L072--Y313--H070, K008
Glory be to Jesus, Who, in bitter pains (Viva! viva! Gesu)-A085W649L080-----H099, K159
Go to dark Gethsemane-A087W160L062-B039Y302--H100, E084
'Forgive them, O my Father, they know not what they do' (ALEXANDER)-A089-------H112
Throned upon the awful tree-A092-------H116
His are the thousand sparkling rills (ALEXANDER)-A093-------H117
By Jesus' grave on either hand-A098-------H121
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Ye sons and daughters of the King (O filii et filiae)-A102-L094--Y320--H626
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain(ギリシャ語)-A103W169L106--Y318--H131, E099, K100
At the Lamb's high feast we sing (At the Lamb's Royal Banquet) (Ad regias Agni dapes)-A107, C2040-L107-----J054, H128, K045
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (Chorus novae Jerusalem)-A112-------H139, K563
On the Resurrection morning-A113-------H136, Ha28
God of mercy, God of grace-A114-------H395, K175
The head that once was crowned with thorns-A115-L180-B054---H147
Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (C. WESLEY)-A117W175---Y337-Q130H143, K191
Hail, thou once despised Jesus-A120-----S106, U066-E109, K192
Thou art gone up on high (TOKE)-A121-------H149
Come down, O love divine (Discendi, Amor santo)▲Z017A127-------J065+, H152, K090
Bright the vision that delighted-A129-------H372, K070
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us-A134-------H426, K293
Who are these, like stars appearing (Wer sind die vor Gottes Throne) (SCHENK)-A136-------H204, K555
Hark! the sound of holy voices-A138-------H198, Ha32, K200
Jesus calls us! - o'er the tumult (ALEXANDER)-A140W225-i590----H205, E108, K266
Jesus, name of wondrous love-A142-L052------
O happy day, when first was poured (Felix dies quem proprio) (BESNAULT) -A143-L050-----H036
In his temple now behold him-A145-L146------
Praise we the Lord this day-A146-L145------
An image of that heavenly light (Caelestis formam gloriae)-A147-------H233, Ha35
Captains of the saintly band (Caelestis aulae principes)-A151-------H177
God of the prophets, bless the prophets' sons-A154----Y096---
Lo! God is here! let us adore (God Himself is present) (Gott ist gegen wartig)-A156W108L181-----H637
We love the place, O God-A158-L185-----H508, K533
Now that the daylight fills the sky (Jam lucis orto sidere)-A172, C2003, C2004-------H254
Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son (Nunc, Sancte, nobis, Spiritus)-A178-------H255
O God of truth, O Lord of might (Rector potens, verax Deus)-A180-------H261
O blest Creator of the light (Lucis Creator optime)-A185-------H051, K064
The sun is sinking fast (Fast sinks the sun to rest) (Sol praeceps rapitur)-A186-------H280, Ha42
Round me falls the night-A191-------H272, E256
Before the ending of the day (Te lucis ante terminum)-A199-------H264, K057
God be in my head, and in my understanding-A204-------K166
This is the day the Lord hath made (WATTS)-A205, C2012-L182--Y203---
Alleluya, sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, His the throne)-A213-------H301, K026
And now, O Father, mindful of the love-A216-L253-----H302, K032
Of the glorious Body telling (Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory) (Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium) (Now, my tongue, the myst'ry telling) (AQUINAS)-A218----Y076--H326, K353
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele)★3▲Z095A219-L251--Y075--H306, K108
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed-A221--i394----H304, Ha43, K067
Author of life divine (J. WESLEY)-A234-------H303, K048
'Lift up your hearts!'★2▲Z001A225, C2114----Y018-Q050H429, Ha57, K304
Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants-A226-------H335
Bread of the world in mercy broken-A227W208------H305, E239, K068
Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord (Sancti, venite, Christi Corpus sumite)-A229, C2062----Y071--H307, Ha44
O God, unseen yet ever near-A230-L256------
O Thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray-A235, C2063-------H324, K391
We sing the praise of him who died-A238-------H510, K536
Strengthen for service, Lord(シリア語)-A239-------H329, K460
In token that thou shalt not fear-A244-------H337
O Thou who camest from above (C. WESLEY)-A251-------H343, K392
Thine for ever! God of love-A252-------H344, K504
The voice that breathed o'er Eden-A253-----S431-H348, K504
What sweet of life endureth(ギリシャ語)-A261-------H360
Now the labourer's toils is o'er (ELLETRON)-A262-------H358
There is a land of pure delight (WATTS)-A274W643------H498, E224
Christ is made the the sure Foundation (Angularis fundamentum)-A281-L184-----H170, K076
Only-Begotten, Word of God eternal (Christe cunctorum Dominator alme) (Only begotten)-A282----Y100--H636
Lights abode, celestial Salem (O city girt with glory!) (Jerusalem luminosa)-A283-L482--Y576--H431, K305
Remember all the peopleZ032A291-L280------
O Spirit of the living God (MONTGOMERY)-A294-L284--Y406---
Thou whose almighty Word-A296-L279-----H553, K514
Ye watchers and ye holy ones▼1▲-A299-L155-----J087+, H519, K567
Forward! be our watchword-A301W335------H642
City of God, how broad and far outspread-A305-------K085
Thy hand, O God, has guided thy flock, from age to age-A308-------H545, K518
My God, how wonderful thou art-A315-L161-----H441, K343
Immortal, invisible, God only wise-A317-L151-B011Y360--H407, K242
Who is this so weak and helpless-A325-------H514, K556
Thou art the way, by thee alone (Thou art the Way: to Thee alone)-A329-L345--Y192--K512
There is a fountain filled with Blood-A338W428-i293--S037Q238H332, E086
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 黒人霊歌★2▼1▲Z177A339W400L387--Y306-Q113J051+, E300, K540
Rejoice, the Lord is King! (C. WESLEY)-A341W627-i095F013Y572-Q463J013+, H476, K432
Let all the world in every corner singZ019A349-------H427, Ha56, K296
To the name that brings salvation (Gloriosi Salvatoris) (To the Name that is salvation) (To the Name of Our Salvation)-A354-------J042, H507, K523
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven▼1-A355-L169--Y014--J001+, H470, K422
Songs of praise the Angels sang-A359----Y015--H481
Ye holy Angels bright-A360-------H517, K564
(Verborgne Gottesliebe du) (TERSTEEGEN)★3▲Z037A361--------
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost-A363-------H396, K184
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord-A366-------H400, Ha52, K197
A charge to keep I have (C. WESLEY)-A373W317-i628--S190, U243-E173
O Lord of heaven, and earth, and sea (O Lord of Heav'n and earth and sea)-A381-L355-----H521
Art thou weary, art thou languid (Art thou Weary, Heavy laden)-A394-----S012-H366, Ha18, E270
O let him whose sorrow (Wem in Leidenstagen) (OSWALD)-A396-------H455
Jesu, meek and gentle (Jesus, meek and gentle)-A407-------H415, Ha53
Three in One, and One in Three-A414-------H501, K515
Lord of all hopefulness-A415-------K313
Jesu, the very thought of thee (Jesu, dulcis memoria)-A418W284L344--Y477S149, U026-H419, Ha55, E147, K264
Jesus, these eyes have never seen-A420-------H421
As pants the hart for cooling streams-A421-L353i564----H367, K038
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer (Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah) (Arglwydd arwain trwy'r anialwch) (WILLIAMS)Z022A426W244-i554-Y467S332, U267Q309H397, E166, K188
Children of the heavenly King-A429-------H373, E161
O Happy band of pilgrims-A435-------H452, K368
Brief life is here our portion (Hic breve vivitur)-A441-------H371
Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings (O quanta qualia sunt illa Sabbata)-A443W329----S308-E138
The sands of time are sinking-A446-------E219
Today the Saviour calls-A451--i182-----
There were ninety and nine that safely lay (The Ninety and Nine)▲Z183A460W429-i213--S014, U096Q217H584
Lord, I hear of showers of blessings (Even Me)-A462W262-i145--S167, U209-E128
There shall be showers of blessing-A466W570-i132B193--Q420E154
Weeping will not save me (LOWRY)-A468W416----S080--
Safe in the arms of Jesus (CROSBY)▼1-A484W495-i239--U368Q253H580
Steal away, steal away (Steal away to Jesus) 黒人霊歌▼1▲▼2Z180A488W633------E237, K459
Lord, I care not for riches (Is My Name Written There?)-A489W455-------
Mid scenes of confusion (DENHAM) (Home, Sweet Home)-A491--i662-----
For thy mercy and thy grace-A504-------H286, K140
A little tiny birdV010A528--------
In his steps I follow (TULLAR)▼2V053A529----Y507---
We are but little children poor (ALEXANDER)-A532-------H610
We're a band of childrenV051A533--------
たえなるみうたの 由木康Z050A536, C2023--------
I want a principle within (C. WESLEY)Z003-----Y523---
It fell upon a summer dayZ005-----Y105--K254
(Die Sach' ist dein, Herr Jesu Christ)Z011-W325---Y407---
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bowZ013C2050----Y183--H368, K046
Jesu, name all names above(ギリシャ語)Z015-----Y107--H418
Deep were His wounds, and red (JOHNSON)▲Z016-----Y301---
God is working his purpose outZ020--------H548, K172
O Thou to whose all-searching sight▼1▲ (J. WESLEY)Z028-----Y503---
Heralds of Christ, who bear the King's commandsZ029-----Y534---
Where restless crowds are thronging (CLARK)Z031--L432------
The Spirit breathes upon the Word (A glory gilds the sacred page)▼1Z034-----Y054---
The King shall come when morning dawnsZ038--L012--Y239---
(Solus ad victimam procedis, Domine) (ABELARD)▲Z039-----Y324---
All nature's works His praise declare (WARE)Z040-----Y225---
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want▲▼2Z041N025cf.W067-i557B184Y120S469, cf.U018Q255cf.典礼123, K490
Let us, with a gladsome mindZ042-W342--B042Y163S151, U009-H532, K302
Hope of the world (HARKNESS)▲Z043-----Y473---
(Coelestis formam gloriae) (O wondrous sight!)Z044-----Y285---
(Kirken den er et gammelt Hus)Z045-----Y400-Q497-
Christians, awake, salute the happy mornZ049-W126-i404-Y257S426, U049-H021, K084
I heard the bells on Christmas dayZ051--------E074
われらのしゅイエスは 本田清一Z054-----Y335---
I know that my Redeemer liveth (C. WESLEY)▼2Z055-W176------K232
Jesus has loved me wonderful Saviour! (Glory to Jesus)Z058-W443-------
いくせんまんのははたちの 阪田寛夫Z070-----Y372---
せかいのともと 山口徳夫▲Z071--L437--Y414, Y415-Q482-
イエスさまがきょうかいを 石田直矣Z078, V138-----Y544---
みことばをください 今駒泰成●Z080-W041---Y058---
よばれていますいつも 高野喜久雄Z083--------典礼409
Of the Father's heart begotten (Corde natus ex parentis)▲Z087--L021--Y245--H613, K395
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (Victimae Paschali)Z091--L091-----H130
Rejoice! the year upon its way (Beata nobis gaudia)Z092--------H151, K433
Jesus, priceless Treasure (Jesu, meine Freude)▲▼2Z093-W277L322--Y525-Q277K262
(Vater unser im Himmelreich) (LUTHER)▲Z094--L364--Y063---
(Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland) (LUTHER)★3▲Z096C2014-L001--Y229-Q066-
(Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' all'zeit)Z098-----Y447---
(O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gross)★3▲Z099-------Q119-
Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (Christ lag in Todesbanden) (LUTHER)▼1▲Z100-W165L097--Y317---
(Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott) (Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!) (Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!) (LUTHER)Z103--L122--Y341---
Sing praise to God who reign above (Sei Lob und Ehr' dem hochsten Gut)Z104--L152-----H478
(Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort)▲(LUTHER)Z105N028-L240--Y050---
All my hope on God is foundedZ107--------K015
High Word of God (Verbum supernum prodiens)Z108--------H002
(Skriv dig, Jesu, paa mit Hjerte)▲Z109--L076----Q121-
(En moy le secret pensement) (CALVIN)★1▲Z110-----Y128---
Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Urbs beata Jerusalem)Z111N023----Y099-Q496H169, K076
Bring a torch, Jeannette, Isabella (Un flambeau, Jannette, Isabelle)Z115-W133------P216
(Il est ne, le divin Enfant)Z117, V025--------カト聖122
Infant holy, Infant lowlyZ118--------K251
Deck the hall with boughs of holly(ひいらぎかざろう)Z129--------E298
(Egun batean, niari nintzen)バスク民謡(いざうたえ)Z131N003--------
(Saranam, Saranam)▼2 パキスタンZ134-----Y508---
(Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah)アフリカ民謡Z135-----Y043-3R013-K289
(Jag har hort om en stand)Z136-------Q471-
Rock of Ages, let our songZ137-----Y468---
(Weisst du, wie viel Sterne stehen) (HEY)Z144N035--------
All living creatures with the same bread you sustain (VRIES )Z145-----Y416---
O God of earth and altarZ151-----Y558--H562, K365
God, that madest earth and heavenZ154--------H268, E007, K178
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays▼1Z156-W090-------
There my bridegroom is sitting (Tuolla mun y'lkani, ylhaalla tuolla Istuupi) (KUHLMAN)Z160-W185-------
O, Thou great God! (O Lord my God) (O store Gud nar jag Din varld beskodar) かがやくひをあおぐとき▲●Z161-W480L171i045B010Y226U001Q021K380
(Tryggare kan ingen vara)Z162--L467-B183----
(Navnet Jesus blekner aldri)Z163--L336------
We shall overcomeZ164-----Y471---
Jerusalem, my happy homeZ166--------H638, K258
Amazing Grace! おどろくばかりの★1▼1▲▼3Z167C2118
W229-i257B101Y451U144Q233J101, P064, K027
On Jordan's stormy banks I standZ170-W642-----Q516E225
Over and over, like a mighty sea★1Z171N006--------
Go tell it on the mountainZ172--------K165
Lord, I want to be a Christian 黒人霊歌▼1▲Z173-W433L349----Q404-
When Israel was in Egypt's land 黒人霊歌Z174-W533---Y186-Q440-
My Lord, what a morning! 黒人霊歌▲Z176-W629-------
Swing low, sweet chariot 黒人霊歌▼1▲Z178-W648-----Q469-
Let us break bread together, on our knees 黒人霊歌▲Z179N044-L262--Y079--K299
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross (The Old Rugged Cross) 黒人霊歌★2▲Z182-W402-i597B045Y303S100, U062Q108E079, K399
かみはひとりごを 三谷種吉★2▼1▲▼3Z184-W392-i248--U017Q089-
On the cross of CalvaryZ185-W399-i215B043-S005, U054Q112-
Simply trusting every day (Trusting Jesus)▲Z186-W490-i157---Q312-
Give of your best to the MasterZ188-W338-i596B216Y515-Q388-
Low in the grave He layZ190-W172--B050-S409, U073Q127K326
Great is Thy faithfulness★3▲Z191---i474B023-U012Q020P023, K186
Jesus, rose of Sharon★3Z192---i038---Q286-
To God be the glory, great things He hath done▲ (CROSBY)Z194---i098B012-U004Q018P169, K522
I'd rather have Jesus than silver or goldZ195-W521--B229Y522U148Q428-
The Saviour is waiting to enter your heart (Saviour is waiting)Z196---i267---Q188P219
In God's green pastures feeding, by His cool waters lie▼2Z197---i556-----
I can hear my Saviour calling< (Where He leads me)Z198-W581--B160--Q396-
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 黒人霊歌★2Z210--------E238
What child is this (Greensleeves)▲▼2▼3Z216-W129L039i415---Q086J038, P217, E283, K542
O Holy Night! the stars are brightly shining★2▲Z219---i420----P210, E243
Send out Thy light and Thy truth (GOUNOD)Z226-W375------E233
たのしきまなびのそのより 服部嘉香Z229-W345-------
And can it be that I should gain (C. WESLEY)▼1▲Z230---i528--S103, U134Q226K030
(Wohin soll ich mich wenden)Z232-------Q279-
(Ehre, Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe!)Z233---i102-----
(Betrachtend Deine Huld und Gute)Z237-------Q051-
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hostsZ250-W368, W369-------
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah!Z252------R122--
Fill us with the Father's love (C. WESLEY)Z255-----Y088---
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we goZ258--------H275
The Lord bless you and keep youZ259---i718---Q058-
原詞 X 讃美歌
Z 讃美歌第二編
V こどもさんびか
T ともにうたおう
A 古今聖歌集

N 古今聖歌集増補版'95

C 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版

W 聖歌 L 教会讃美歌 i インマヌエル讃美歌 B 新生讃美歌 1991

F 新生讃美歌増補I

新生讃美歌 2003
Y 讃美歌21 S 救世軍歌集 (1954)
G 短歌

U 救世軍歌集 (1997)
R コーラス
Q 新聖歌 そのほか

H, Ha
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee--W085--B021-U008Q022E005
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme (WATTS)--W098------E028
When morning gilds the skies (Beim fruhen Morgenlicht)--W099L176i105F008---J070+, H512, E196, K551
Saviour, now the day is ending (DOUDNEY)--W105L229------
Saviour, breathe an evening blessing--W109L228-----E012
Ancient of Days, who sittest throned--W113------E027
O Lord and Master of us all (WHITTIER)--W115------H456
Love divine, from Jesus flowing (MACKENZIE)--W117-i294--U194Q214-
Love came down at Christmas (ROSSETTI)--W142------K320
Christ the Lord is risen today (C. WESLEY)--W171-i436--U072-E097, E288
Arise, my soul arise (C. WESLEY)--W177-i100--S069-E141
Look, ye saints, the sight--W178------E297
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned--W183------E103
うきのやみのよも 笹尾鉄三郎--W186-i682-----
Open my eyes, that I may see--W195-i384---Q038-
Built on the Rock the Church doth stand (Kirken den er et gammelt Hus)--W200L275--Y400-Q144-
しみもとがも 笹尾鉄三郎--W206-i393---Q049-
せいなるかみよ 土屋富枝--W212-i449-----
いのりにいのりて 土屋富枝--W213-i447---Q499-
O Zion haste thy mission high fulfilling--W218L285i350B202--Q448-
めをあげてみよや 笹尾鉄三郎--W219-i376-----
Faith of our fathers, living still--W217L406i497-Y394--J004, E179
Come Unto Me, Ye Weary (DIX)▼2--W222-i263----H379, E278
Father, in Thy Mysterious Presence Kneeling▼2--W235-i087----E124
O God, the Rock of Ages--W242------E264
O safe to the Rock (Hiding in Thee)--W243-i135---Q308-
The King of love my Shepherd is--W246L342-----H490, E040, K484
Lord of all being, throned afar--W250------H434
めぐみあふるる 笹尾鉄三郎--W253-i144-----
Steal away to Jesus (adap. GLASGOW)▼1--W255-i129---Q195-
Pray, pray when things go wrong--W256-i134---Q196-
Jesu, lead Thou on (Jesu, geh voran)--W275L401i548-----
How tedious and tasteless--W279-i572---Q207-
わがためじゅうじかの 笹尾鉄三郎--W280-i539-----
Jesus! I am resting, resting--W281-i496-----
O Master, let me walk with thee--W285L403i620B220Y505--E146
Have Thine own way, Lord--W295-i307B154-U231Q394-
Lead on, O king eternal▼3--W299L461-B188---E193
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak--W311----S243, U269-E177
Saviour, Thy dying love--W312----U218--
Where cross the crowded ways of life--W318------E214
Come, ye thankful people, come--W327L498---S412, U391-H289, E206, K101
Who is on the Lord's side--W334-i661--S266, U322--
Take Thou my hand and lead me (So nimm denn meine Hande)--W337L404------
Purer yet and purer--W339------E136
There's a dear and precious book (My Mother's Bible)--W353-i388-----
We gather together to ask (Wilt heden nu treden)--W358L357--Y006--J014, E021
Around the throne of God in heaven--W377----S367--
All things come of Thee, O Lord (The Offering)--W378------E236
(Jesus est notre ami supreme)--W393-i196---Q216-
ひとりのみこを 笹尾鉄三郎--W394-i221B095--Q088-
There's a light on the cross (MARTIN)--W397-i479-----
King of my life, I crown Thee now (Lead me th Calvary)--W403-i589B158-U064Q105-
Somebody's here with an aching heart (HOLDEN)--W406-i201---Q175-
Behold Me standing at the door (CROSBY)--W407-i167--S019, U097--
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling--W409L294i235B106-U089Q177E115
There's a Stranger at the door (ATCHINSON)--W410-i171----E116
つみのやみじに 中田重治--W412-i243---Q178-
Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed--W413----S041, U105Q179-
おもにをおいて 中田重治--W414-i296---Q181-
みこころをいため 中田羽後--W415-i237---Q032-
Have You Been To Jesus? (Have you been to Jesus for)--W417----S166, U185Q446-
I've wandered far away from God (Lord, I'm coming home)--W420----S081Q449-
Out of my bondage, sorrow and night--W422-i261--U130Q450-
I Must Tell Jesus All My Trials--W423-i151---Q035-
じゅうじかにかかりたる 三谷種吉▼3--W424-i191B091--Q182-
Would you be free from your burden of sin? (There is power in the blood)--W425----S480, U107Q235-
In loving kindness Jesus came--W430--B232-U150Q218-
Take the name of Jesus with you (Precious Name)--W431-i224--S112, U032Q183E180
I need Jesus, my need I now confess (WEBSTER)--W432-i575---Q239-
"Tho' your sins be as scarlet" (Though your sins be as scarlet) (CROSBY))--W435-i223B085-S164, U109Q184-
Tell me the old, old story--W436-i262----H583, E120
Wounded for me--W437-i715---Q103-
I will sing of my Redeemer▼3--W440--B083--Q107-
I was sinking deep in sin (Love lifted me)--W442-i260--U174Q222-
Tell me the story of Jesus (CROSBY)--W444-i197--S114, U077Q242-
うきよのとも 笹尾鉄三郎--W445-i601---Q234-
What can wash away my sin? (Nothing but the blood)--W447----S072, U131Q225-
We have heard the joyful sound (Jesus saves)--W449--B079-S479, U176Q269-
I know not why God's wondrous grace (I know whom I have believed)--W450-i492B132--Q357-
かみなくのぞみなく 中田重治--W451-i202---Q358-
Down At the Cross (Glory to His name)--W453-i174---Q359-
Standing on the promises--W456-i392--U286Q361-
すみよりもくろきこころなれど 笹尾鉄三郎--W458-i210---Q258-
I am so glad that our Father in Heaven (Jesus loves even me)--W459, W654-i168--S363Q259E231
ながしたまいし 三谷種吉--W461-i192---Q261-
What a wonderful change in my life (Since Jesus came into my heart)--W462--B094-U179Q262-
We are never, never weary (Glory to God, Hallelujah) (CROSBY)--W468----S156, U143Q270-
Never further than Thy cross--W469------E142
Like a river, glorious--W471-i490---Q247-
My soul in sad exile (The Haven of rest)--W472-i163B136-U102Q248-
よのなみかぜいかにあれて 三谷種吉--W474-i236---Q250-
There is a place of quiet rest (Near to the heart of God)--W475-i127B146-U065Q251-
すくいをなしたもう 中田羽後--W478-i065---Q019-
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord (CROSBY)--W479-----Q024E034
ほむべきかなつみびとなる 笹尾鉄三郎--W481-i529---Q042-
Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer (CROSBY)--W484-i079B064-U036Q002E104, K420
I've found a Friend--W493-i489cf.B087--Q317-
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus--W496-i485---Q324-
The trusting heart to Jesus clings (Singing I go)--W498--B124-U157Q325-
When we walk with the Lord (Trust and obey)--W500----U301Q316K553
Thou, my everlasting portion (Close to Thee) (CROSBY)--W505-i581B141--Q323-
A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord (He hideth my soul) (CROSBY)--W506-i552--U340--
Sound the battle cry (Sound the Battle-cry! See the foe is nigh)--W510----S263, U315-E192
みたみよたたかえ 中田羽後--W512-i373---Q455-
There's a royal banner (The Banner of the Cross)--W513----U363Q456-
Encamped along the hills of light (Faith is the Victory)--W514-i660---Q458-
よびとはてきに 中田羽後--W516-i656---Q459-
Jesus only is my message--W520-i582---Q427-
There's a Rose that is blooming (PALMER)--W530-i349---Q438-
Throw out the Life-Line--W531------E184
It may not be on the mountain's height (I'll go where you want me to go)--W534-i378---Q439-
In fancy I stood by the shore (The Stranger of Galilee)--W536-i265---Q453-
みゆるところによらずして 三谷種吉--W539-i475---Q282-
All to Jesus I surrender (I surrender all)--W541-i317--S193, U237Q391P139
Come, Thou Burning Spirit, Come!--W546-i300--S214, U088Q409-
Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame (Send the Fire) (W. BOOTH)--W547-i295--S187, U206Q134-
Come, With Me Visit Calvary (Come, with me, visit Calv'ry) (LAWLEY)--W552----S162, U186Q104-
Take time to be holy--W553-i345---Q372-
Come, O thou Traveller unknown (C. WESLEY)--W558-i277----H378
There's a peace in my heart (Constantly Abiding)--W560-i185---Q254-
Waiting on the Lord, for the promise--W562-i446---Q133-
ともよしゅのやくしたまえる 中田羽後--W563-i444---Q412-
I've been on Mount Pisgah's lofty height (OATMAN)--W568-i333---Q411-
Revive Thy work, O Lord--W569-i332---Q419-
Joys are flowing like a river (Blessed Quietness)--W573-----Q135P063
めぐみふかきみかみよ 中田羽後--W574-i348---Q415-
Oh, spread the tidings 'round (The Comforter has come)--W576-i445--U081Q416P060
Oh, who'll stand up for Jesus--W582-i595---Q397-
Send me forth, O blessed Master! (HOFFMAN)--W586-i380---Q401-
My God, accept my heart this day--W587L484--Y094--H341, E127, K341
I'm pressing on the upward way (Higher Ground)--W589-i616B138-U300Q339-
All the way my Saviour leads me (CROSBY)--W590-i476---Q340-
I Am Thine, O Lord (CROSBY)--W591-i577--S192, U264Q341E137
This is my wonderful story (SIMPSON)--W592-i583---Q342-
Marvelous grace of our loving God (Grace greater than our sin)--W593-i203B099--Q343-
More about Jesus I would know--W594-i342---Q344-
The mercy of God is an ocean divine--W597----U343Q345-
When upon life's billows (Count your Blessing)--W604--B102-S343, U153Q172-
Jesus is all the world to me▼3--W608-i576B228--Q201-
O my Redeemer (What a Friend Thou art to me!) (CROSBY)--W610-i493---Q203-
Yield not to temptation--W614-i637--S345, U305Q444E190
Thou, Lord, hast power to heal(ギリシャ語)--W619------H349
Come, thou long-expected Jesus (C. WESLEY)-C2013W620---Y235--K098
Until Thou comest again (CURTIS)--W621-i676---Q464-
There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes▼2--W624-i663-----
Why say ye not a word (GRAY)--W626-i692-----
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound (When the roll is called up yonder)--W634--B059-U381Q467-
There's a great day coming--W635-i227-----
Not now, but in the coming years (Sometime we'll understand)--W636-i641---Q512-
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus (When we all get to Heaven)--W638----U380Q468-
When all my labors and trials are o'er (O that will be glory)--W639----U382Q513-
Face to face with Christ my Saviour▼2--W641-i668B254--Q515-
Good King Wenceslas look'd out, on the Feast of Stephen--W662------E226, K183
Away in a manger, no crib for his bed▼2--W667L036-F028Y269--J036, P211, K051
(Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen)V009-W681-----Q479-
Shall we gather at the river--W687-----Q475E227
There's a Friend for little children--W688----S352--
Master, the tempest is raging!--W691-i470---Q327-
The cross it standeth fast (Hallelujah for the Cross!)--W692-i434---Q494-
All hail to Thee, Immanuel--W698-i076-----
Wonderful grace of Jesus--W699-i275---Q224-
こはよのすえのしるしなるべき 中田羽後--W708-i651---Q460-
Blessed be the Fountain of blood--W710-i306---Q378-
We praise Thee, O God (Revive us again) (MACKAY)--W711-i148B195----
おかししつみおば 中田重治--W712-i222-----
みたまよほろぶるよびとのため 中田重治--W715-i130-----
しゅよわがつみとけがれをきよめ 中田羽後--W716-i344---Q379-
Let us sing of His love once again (I believe Jesus saves) (BOTTOME)--W718----S231, U346Q272-
ひとにすてられて 中田重治--W719-i657---Q380-
イエスよじゅうじかに 笹尾鉄三郎--W722-i580---Q101-
みうせしわがしゅと 笹尾鉄三郎--W724-i308-----
わしのそのすびなを 中田重治・中田羽後--W729-i613---Q348-
ちよろずのたみよ 笹尾鉄三郎--W731-i421-----
まもなくしゅイエスは 笹尾鉄三郎--W732-i461-----
げっせまねにふす 笹尾鉄三郎--W733-i606-----
'Tis the promise of God (Hallelujah, 'Tis done!)--W734----S090Q244-
(Macht hoch die Tur)---L002--Y233---
(Trostet, trostet meine Lieben)-C2017-L006------
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Jordanis oras praevia)---L013--Y234--H009, K401
(Frohlich soll mein Herze springen)---L040--Y253---
From east to west, from shore to shore (A solis ortus cardine) (LUTHER訳)---L043-----H018
あたらしいとしをむかえて 江口武憲---L049--Y368---
Not all the blood of beasts (WATTS)---L065---S076--
(O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben)---L074--Y295---
Hosanna, loud hosanna---L078-----E080
(Gelobt sei Gott, im hochsten Thron) (WEISSE)---L096--Y322---
(Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag)---L098--Y319---
(Mit Freuden zart zu dieser Fahrt) (VETTER)---L099--Y321---
Hark! ten thousand harps and voices---L111-B057----
Holy Spirit, truth divine (LONGFELLOW)---L117-----E050
(Jauchz, Erd, und Himmel, juble hell) (BLARER)---L123----Q418-
Father most holy, merciful and tender (O Pater sancte)---L126-B004---H160, K123
That day of wrath, that dreadful day (Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit) (Dies irae, dies illa) (RINGWALDT)---L135-----H487
Day of wrath and doom impending (Dies irae, dies illa) (CELANO)---L138-----H351
(Wir warten dein, o Gottessohn) (HILLER)---L139-B058----
All hail, ye little Martyr flowers (Salvete, flores martyrum) (Prudentius)---L147-----H034
The God of Abraham praise-C2101-L150-----E276, K478
(Nun danket all' und bringet Ehr)---L167--Y010---
(Lobt Gott den Herrn, ihr Heiden all)---L170--Y151---
(Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend)-N022-L191--Y001---
Almighty God, your Word is cast---L197--Y053---
O Christ, who art the Light and Day (Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht) (Christe, qui lux es et dies)---L215-----H081
O God, Creation's secret force (Rerum Deus tenax vigor)---L218-----H262, H271
(Wir glauben all' an einen Gott) (CLAUSNITZER)---L233-B003----
O food of men wayfaring (O esca viatorum)-C2059-L254-----H321
Sons of God (THIEM)T041--L263------
Come with us, O blessed Jesus (HOPKINS)---L266-----E266
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass---L267-----H549
Spread, O spread, thou mighty word (Walte furber, nah und fern) (BAHNMAIER)---L286-B211---H552
(Jesus nimmt die Sunder an) (Sinners Jesus Will Receive!) (NEUMEISTER)---L301-B108-S034, U117--
(Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit) (EBER, ZINZERDORF)---L319-B082----
(Zolang er mensen zijn op aarde) (OOSTERHUIS)---L326--Y423---
I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus---L327-----K223
Give to our God immortal praise (WATTS)---L360-----K155
(O Gott, du frommer Gott)▼2---L366--Y545---
Lord, teach us how to pray aright---L369-----K316
O thou in all thy might so far---L376-----H463
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand---L407-B187---E201
(Die guldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne)---L425--Y551---
We are one in the SpiritT031N037-L439--Y417---
Men and children everywhere---L444----Q480-
Conquering kings their titles take (Victis sibi cognomina)---L455-----H037, E295
Let our choir new anthems raise(ギリシャ語)---L458-----H187
By the Babylonian rivers (BASH)---L459--Y164---
(Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein)---L468--Y526---
Lord who at Cana's wedding feast, Did as a guest appear (THRUPP, THRING)---L488-----J102
すくいのみちを 由木康▲T001N032----Y409--典礼396
しゅがてをとっておこせば 今駒泰成T003-----Y446--典礼393
ガリラヤのかぜかおるおかで 別府信男T005N011----Y057-Q040典礼388
やさしいめが 深沢秋子●T008, V119-----Y470---
(Christe, du Lamm Gottes) (LUTHER)T029-----Y086---
I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance)T032N007----Y290--K228
(Von guten Machten treu und still umgeben) (BONHOEFFER)▲T037, T038-----Y469---
(Nyt riemuitsen, nyt riemuitsen)T042-----Y271---
Tomorrow Christ is coming (KAAN)T044N016----Y244---
(Soi Kunniaksi Luojan)T047-----Y389---
Speak forth Your word, O Father (JEFFRIES)▲T050-----Y408---
The Heavens Are Declaring (GELLERT)----i091----E016
さわがしきよより 中田羽後----i133---Q189-
I Come to the Garden Alone (In the Garden)----i147---Q197-
きたれよきたれ 三谷種吉----i209---Q186-
No, Not One----i219---Q241-
(おもにたえがたく)Tell Jesus (MYLAND)----i240---Q278-
Come to Jesus (HAMMOND)----i258--S045--
'Tis the Grandest Theme Thro' the Ages Rung (He Is Able to Deliver Thee)(OGDEN)----i271B081----
Shackled by a heavy burden (He Touched Me)----i272B225----
There is Power in the Blood (Would you be free from the burden of sin?)----i313----P165
Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling (MARCH)----i352----E174
(われしゅにしたがいまつらん)Thy Perfect Will (BARKER)----i361---Q430-
(いずくまでも)Anywhere With Jesus (HEARD)----i368---Q403-
Make Me a Channel of Blessing----i379F057-R054--
I serve a risen Savior (He Lives)----i439B223----
God sent His Son (Because He Lives) (GAITHER)----i441B135--Q257P016
そらのとりも 蔦田二雄----i466---Q289-
(わがよのたびじ)No Longer Lonely (HARKNESS)----i478---Q326-
God Will Take Care of You----i483--R078--
Why Should I Feel Discouraged (His eye is on the sparrow)----i500---Q285-
Under His Wings I am Safely Abiding▼2----i504----P128
In My Heart There Rings a Melody----i514--R107--
(しゅはわれにきたり)Sunlight (VAN DE VENTER)----i521---Q273-
He Giveth More Grace----i530--U310--
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing----i536--S155, U173-E018
There is a name I love to hear (O How I love Jesus)----i584B231-S475, U035--
Living for Jesus (CHISHOLM)----i602, i700B096----
Day by day, and with each passing Sandell----i619F025-U280-P033
I heard an old, old story (Victory in Jesus) (BARTLETT)----i659B226----
みふみもときのしるしも 中田重治----i677---Q462-
Wide, wide As the Ocean (MILES)----i695----K559
The Beauty of Jesus (Let the beauty of Jesus) (OSBORN)----i698--G103, R065--
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (LEMMEL)----i710--R032-M056, P044
His Name is Wonderful (MIEIR)----i716----P001
かみさまはそのひとりごを 由木康V005-----Y194---
(Hoosianna, Daavidin Poika)(フィンランド)V032-----Y307---
The Good Shepherd (MIDLANE)V072-----Y200-Q485-
めぐみのかみさま 佐伯幸雄V079-----Y489---
うまれるまえから 冨岡ぬいV080-----Y547---
かみさまにかんしゃしましょう 花房泉一V085-----Y490---
かみさまのあいは 佐久間彪V088-----Y171---
わたしたちはさかなのよう 佐久間彪V089N047--------
ちいさいこどもの 北村宗次V100-----Y189---
どんなにちいさいことりでも 菅千代V103-----Y060---
にひきのさかなと 佐伯幸雄V104-----Y198---
いばらのかんむり 桃井綾子V112-----Y315---
まごころこめささげます 原恵V116-----Y064---
どんなときでも 高橋順子V120-----Y533---
(Der Mond ist aufgegangen)V126-----Y216---
On Christmas night all Christians sing-----B030---K400
He is Lord, he is Lord-----B065---K204
According to Thy gracious word-----B119, F035---H300
I sing the almighty power of God (I Sing the Mighty Power of God) (WATTS)-----F002Y363---
From all that Dwell below the Skies (WATTS)-----F003---E019, K146
The majesty and glory of your name (JOHNSON)-----F007---P161
In His Time (BALL)-N043---F009--Q333P013
When in our music God is glorified (GREEN)-----F011Y019--K550
Shine, Jesus, Shine (KENDRICK)-----F015---M154, P110
The Birthday of a King (NEIDLINGER)-----F027---P207
しゅのしょくたくをかこみ(マラナタ) 新垣壬敏-N024---F036----
ゆけちのはてまで 高田三郎-----F059---典礼408
Make me a channel of your peace (Peace Prayer of St.Francis)-N001-------K328
Jesus, remember me(テゼ共同体)-N002----Y112--K276
Seek Ye First(かみのくにとかみのぎを)-N010------Q071, Q291M023, P085, K442
キリストのようにかんがえ 高田三郎-N015-------典礼390
(Santo, santo, santo)●-N021----Y085---
(Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent) (FERSCHL)-N031----Y242---
Hindi ko maisip(ビコール民謡)(FELICIANO)-N041----Y376---
Bless the Lord, O My Soul (TAIZE)-N046-------K061
Come sing, ye choirs exultant (Plausu chorus laetabundo)------Y052--H179
When love is found (WREN)-C2070----Y104---
How lovely is thy dwelling place-C2084----Y140---
As Jacob with travel was weary one day------Y185--K036
Let thine example, holy John, remind us (Ut Queant Laxis Resonare Fibris)------Y191--H223
Christe, Lux mundi David Hurd(モザラベ聖歌)-C2009----Y222---
Duermete, Nino lindo (A LA RU) (Oh, Sleep Now, Holy Baby; 0 Sleep, Dear Holy Baby)-C2028----Y272---
Hail to the Lord who comes (ELLERTON)------Y282--H209
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high! (O Amor, quam ecstatics)------Y283--H459, K383
All praise to you, O Lord (BEADON)-C2033----Y286---
The Lamb's high banquet we await (Ad cenam Agni providi)------Y312--H125
Mfurahini, haleluya (Jesus is risen, alleluia; Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia) (タンザニア民謡)-C2041----Y333---
Filled with the Spirit's power (PEACEY)------Y345--K131
Let us talents and tongues employ (KAAN)------Y375--K301
Give us the wings of faith to rise (WATTS)------Y380--K156
"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (HERKLOTS) (DETROIT)------Y445--K141
Lord, we have come at your own invitation (GREEN)-C2068----Y448---
I want to walk as a child of the light (THOMERSON)-C2110----Y509---
Earth and all stars! (BROKERING)------Y550-Q167-
Pray that Jerusalem may have peace and felicity------Y578--H472
Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire (C. WESLEY)-------S216, U087-K091
'For ever with the Lord!' Amen (MONTGOMERY)-------S314-H391, Ha51
When our heads are bowed with woe (Milman)-------S344-H513
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (MEDLEY)-------S406, U070-K232
All things bright and beautiful (ALEXANDER)-------S467-H587, Ha66, K021
Praise Him with melody (LONG)-------G150, R119Q164-
They Shall Come From the East (GOWANS)-------U024-M093
Will your anchor hold (OWENS)-------U113-K561
Let the beauty of Jesus (ORSBORN)-------R065Q383-
Glory to the Lamb (DEMPSEY)--------Q165M083, P090
えいこういげんえいよ(えいこう・いげん・えいよ)阿内源一--------Q166M128, P118
Majesty, worship his majesty (HAYFORD)--------Q170M086, P008, K327
Spirit song (WINBER)--------Q208P055
This is the Day (GARRETT)--------Q274P025
You are the vine (DANIELS)--------Q332P017
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (BRIGGS)-C2048-------K096
An upper room did our Lord prepare (GREEN)-C2057-------K029
O God, unseen yet ever near (OSLER)-C2060-------K367
Yesu bi Mariamu (Jesus, Son of Mary) (PALMER)-C2072-------K263
Give me joy in my heart-C2078-------K153
How good is the God we adore (HART)-C2102-------K217
A new Commandment I give unto you (CRABTREE)-C2111-------K004
Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria!---------J085, カト聖303
God save our gracious Queen 英国国歌 (NATIONAL ANTHEM)---------H560, K177
He Is Exalted (PARIS)---------M097, P102, K203
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna is the highest! (CARL TUTTLE)---------P019, K215
Jesus, Name Above All Names (HEARN)---------M108, P005, K273
Joy and triumph everlasting---------H200, E290
Immaculate Mary, thy praises we sing (Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing)(あめのきさき)---------J084, カト聖322
原詞 X 讃美歌
Z 讃美歌第二編
V こどもさんびか
T ともにうたおう
A 古今聖歌集

N 古今聖歌集増補版'95

C 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版
W 聖歌 L 教会讃美歌 i インマヌエル讃美歌 B 新生讃美歌

F 新生讃美歌増補I
Y 讃美歌21 S 救世軍歌集 (1954)
G 短歌

U 救世軍歌集 (1997)
R コーラス
Q 新聖歌 そのほか

H, Ha

作成・八木谷涼子 (YAGITANI Ryoko) 2002-2003,2006-2007, 2011

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