賛美歌 歌詞対照データベース PART 2

Last Updated 18 SEP. 2002 ver.1.00

賛美歌 歌詞対照データベース PART 1 へ


(X) 讃美歌(日本基督教団出版局・1954)
(Z) 讃美歌第二編(日本基督教団・1967)
(T) ともにうたおう――新しいさんびか50曲(日本基督教団出版局・1976)

X013; (Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund)/ X021;Come, O Lord, like morning sunlight/ X029;Now, when the dusky shades of night retreating▲/ X044;Now, on land and sea descending▲/ X052;Welcome, sweet day of rest▲ (WATTS)/ X057;O God of hosts, the mighty Lord/ X081;High in the heavens, eternal God (WATTS)/ X091;Eternal God, Whose power upholds▲/ X105;This endris night I saw a sight▲/ X117;There's a song in the air!/ X123;The hidden years at Nazareth!/ X126;かぜははげしく(ギリシャ語)▼1▲ / X128;Jesus wept! those tears are over/ X160;To God, with heart and cheerful voice▲/ X170;Lift up your heads, rejoice▲/ X186;Gracious Spirit, Dove Divine/ X196;Lord of the world above▲ (WATTS)/ X201;Friend of the home, as when in Galilee/ X207;Jesus, to Thy table led/ X219;Gather us, in Thou Love, that fillest all▲/ X223;Soon may the last glad song arise/ X229;Behold a Sower! from afar▲/ X230;Creation's Lord, we give Thee thanks▲/ X236;Let there be light, Lord God of Hosts/ X237;O Lord of life, Thy kingdom is at hand/ X242;Come to the Saviour now/ X248;Jesu, let Thy pitying eye▼1/ X250;No, not despairingly/ X251;Lord, to Thee alone we turn/ X252;O Jesus, full of pardoning grace/ X254;Father, hear Thy children's call▲/ X265;O Thou great Friend to all the sons of men/ X283;Your harps, ye trembling saints/ X289;The lone, wild fowl in lofty flight●/ X296;Thou art my Hiding-place, O Lord/ X307;How sweet the melting lay▼1▲/ X311;My God, is any hour so sweet▲/ X314;When the weary, seeking rest▼1▼2/ X325;Now may He who from the dead/ X327;O for a faith that will snot shrink/ X330;When I can read my title clear (WATTS)/ X348;Jesus, Thy Name I love/ X357;Ich will dich lieben, meine Starke/ X367;Jesus, Thou divine Companion/ X369;My Master was a worker▲/ X371;Ho, reapers of life's harvest/ X389; (C'est dans la paix que tu dois vivre)▼1/ X390;O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother (WHITTIER)▲/ X393;The light of God is falling▲/ X395;We thank Thee, Lord, Thy paths of service lead/ X409;While with ceaseless course the sun/ X417;At length there dawns the glorious day/ X418;These things shall be: a loftier race▲/ X421;Our Father! Thy dear Name doth show/ X424;How pleasing is Thy voice▲/ X436;O blessed day of Motherhood!/ X446;Splendour of the thoughts of God▲/ X447;Courage, brohter! do not stumble▲/ X451;Now we unite to pledge a new allegiance/ X455;Little stars are shining/ X456;Holy Father, bless us/ X471;How blest the righteous when he dies/ X473;Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding/ X474;Thou art gone to the grave/ X480;Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb▲ (WATTS)/ X491;Welcome, delightful morn/ X523;Go bury thy sorrow▼3/

Z010;"Go ye," said Jesus, and preach the Word/ Z018;Jehovah reigns, Awake! Awake!/ Z021;O God of light, Thy word, a lamp unfailing/ Z024;せかいをすべたもうしゅよ 松山昌三郎/ Z025;I sing a song of the saints of God/ Z026;Just a dainty basket▼2/ Z030;Blest land of Judea! thrice hallowed in song▲ (WHITTIER)/ Z033;Rocked in the cradle of the deep/ Z046;Come, all who love the way of truth/ Z056;He shall feed His flock like a shepherd▼2/ Z057;Sometimes a light surprises/ Z059;O Master of all, come we to Thy throne in praise▼2/ Z101; (Claro paschali gaudio)/ Z121; (Susser die Glocken nie Klingen)(こよいなりわたる)/ Z127;The snow lay on the ground/ Z130;When Jesus was a baby/ Z132;Alleluia! Alleluia! Ye redeemed in thanks unite/ Z138;Praise we the Lord, who made all beauty/ Z141;O Lord of life, and love, and power/ Z146;The green fields are our neighbours/ Z147;'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam/ Z149;Each little flower that opens▲ (ALEXANDER)/ Z152;The old year now away is fled▲▼3/ Z153;Away in a village in bright Galilee/ Z155;We are living, we are dwelling▲/ Z159;That cause can neigher be lost nor stayed/ Z165;Jesus walked this lonesome valley/ Z168;Awake, awake to love and work!/ Z169;Brethren, we have met to worship/ Z175;Deep river, my home is over Jordan▲/ Z181;We are climbing Jacob's ladder/ Z187;Come, come, ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear/ Z193;Beyond the sunset, O blissfull morning▲/ Z200;For all the good upon this earth/ Z201;For health and strength and daily food/ Z202;Shalom my friends/ Z204;When Jesus wept▲/ Z205;Released by Love from isolation wrong▲/ Z208;Sei stille dem Herrn und warte auf ihn▼2/ Z209;But the Lord is mindful of His own/ Z212;Lead me, Lord▲/ Z214;Masters in this hall, hear ye news today/ Z217;The holly and the ivy▲/ Z227;Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee/ Z228; (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe)▼1▲/ Z251;Abiding ever/ Z253;Hosanna in the Highest!/ Z257;Hear our prayer, O Lord/ T010;なんのためにいきるのか 水野源三★2/ T027; (Ta mort, Seigneur)/ T033;In this world of confusion/ T034;One man's hands can't tear a prison down/ T039; (Gott liebt diese Welt)/ T040;God is our defence and strength/ T045;See, Christ was wounded for our sake/ T048; (Riemumielin joutuin riennan)/ T049;Alone I am yet not alone/

(A) 古今聖歌集(日本聖公会・1959)
(N) 古今聖歌集増補版'95(日本聖公会管区事務所・1996)
(C) 改訂古今聖歌集 試用版(日本聖公会管区事務所・2002)

A007;Jesus came, the heavens adoring/ A009;Hark, 'tis the watchman's cry/ A011;Thou art coming, O my Saviour/ A016;Litany of the four last things/ A017;Sing, O sing, this blessed morn/ A069;Far from my heavenly home/ A071;Thou say'st 'Take up thy cross/ A079;Behold the Lamb of God! who bore (BRIDGES)/ A094;O perfect life of love/ A096;In his own raiment clad/ A097;Litany of the Passion/ A118;Where high the heavenly temple stands/ A124;Sprit divine, attend our prayers/ A141;Oh! what, if we are Christ's/ A148;A149;A150;From all thy saints in warfare/ A169;You that have spent the silent night/ A179;C2007;ひかりのもとなる/ A181;The day is almost spent/ A202;Lord, keep us safe this night/ A212;Let thy Blood in mercy poured/ A214;Approach, my soul, the mercy seat/ A223;I hunger and I thirst/ A228;I am not worthy, holy Lord/ A240;Till he come! O let the words/ A263;For those we love within the veil/ A264;Why should we mourn departing friends (WATTS)/ A272;The saints of God! their conflict past/ A278;Lord, pour thy Spirit from on high/ A280;O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills/ A286;O Jesus, crowned with all renown/ A289;For my sake and the Gospel's, go/ A384;たのしきかな 松山高吉▼1/ A400;Where is death's sting/ A408;There is a calm, a sure retreat/ A416;Light after darkness/ A459;Souls of men, why will ye scatter/ A485;Rejoice, and be glad/ A501;Thy mercy, Lord, another year/ A523;Father, holy Father/ A525;Little feet be careful/ A526;When we sleep/ A537;C2043;'Tis Easter, joyous Easter/ N004; (Ubi caritas et amor)/ N005;Take our bread, we ask you/ N018; (Gloria Patri et Filio)/ N030;Sing Hallelujah to the Lord/ N034; (Laudate omnes gentes)/ N038; (Ba ni ngyeli Ba Yawe)(カメルーン)/ N039;C2108;Reach out and touch the Lord/ N042;Easter song of praise/ N046;Bless the Lord (JACQUES BERTHIER) (cf.M024;P031;)/ N050;Thuma mia(南アフリカ)/ C2002;Shake up the morning/ C2015;Remember, O thou man/ C2026;あなたはだれを/ C2018;Birjina gaztettobat zegoen (The angel Gabeirl from heaven came)/ C2019;A stable lamp is lighted/ C2021;C2022;ほしのひかる/ C2024;Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child/ C2025;In a little village of Bethlehem/ C2026;ふかいやみの/ C2027;Before the world began/ C2031;Quae stella sole pulchrior/ C2032;Christ, when for us you were baptized/ C2034;Christ upon the mountain peak/ C2035;じゅうじのしるしの/ C2036;あらのにひれふし/ C2037;ゲッセマネのそので/ C2042;Dong-tian yi wang(冬天己往)/ C2044;Christ is alive! Let Christians sing/ C2046;Christ has risen while earth slumbers/ C2047;Myrrh-Bearing Mary/ C2049;The Lord ascendeth up on high/ C2051;てんとちとうみ/ C2052;C2053;By all your saints still striving/ C2054;Now greet the swiftly changing year/ C2055;Templi sacratas pande, Sion, fores/ C2056;Aeterna Christi munera/ C2058;くちぬみかてを/ C2061;O salutaris hostia/ C2064;めざめさせてくだい/ C2065;As the disciples, when thy Son hand left them/ C2066;We bring our children, Lord, today/ C2067;ふるいおこないあらためて/ C2069;むかししゅイエスは/ C2070;When love is found/ C2071;いとしいおさなご/ C2074;あいするもののしをいたみ/ C2075;かみさまあたえてくださった/ C2076;Kadikilaan Mo, O diyos/ C2077;Come, O come, our voices raise/ C2079;Round the Lord in glory seated/ C2080;Be still, for the spirit of the Lord/ C2081;Praise to the living God!/ C2082;みことばはひととなり/ C2083;Wind who makes all winds that blow/ C2085;ちちなるかみよ/ C2086;Open your ears, O faithful people/ C2087;しゅをもとめよ/ C2088;You call us, Lord, to be/ C2089;In a byre near Bethlehem/ C2090;Saviour, when in dust to thee/ C2091;Lord, who left the highest heaven/ C2092;Tu has venido a la orilla/ C2094;Your hands, O Lord, in days of old/ C2095;おまえはわたしの/ C2097;In Adam we have all been one/ C2098;Our Father, we have wandered/ C2099;こころをつくして/ C2100;A prohet-woman broke a jar/ C2103;かみのめぐみは/ C2104;C2105;ともにあつまる/ C2107;ナザレのまちより/ C2109;わかちあえる/ C2110;I want to walk as a child of the light/ C2112;かみさまにささげよう/ C2113;主イエスのおしえたまいしは/ C2115;うまれいづるときは/ C2116;しゅがこられたから/ C2117;We cannot measure how you heal/

(W) 聖歌(日本福音連盟・1969)

(Q) 新聖歌(教文館・2001)

W014;Q014;ほめよみかみを 中田羽後/ W066;Q152;このくにのおうは 中田羽後/ W068;Q193;しゅよわがこころは 中田羽後/ W069;Q194;いわにますみかみよ 中田羽後/ W070;Q213;そのとがをみなゆるされ 中田羽後/ W072;Q306;しかのたにがわを 中田羽後/ W074;Q307;しゅはさけどころなり 中田羽後/ W075;Q158;すべてのものてをうち 中田羽後/ W077;Q173;かんしゃいたします 中田羽後/ W078;Q012;ちからなるかみにむかって中田羽後/ W080;Q013;あいにとむみかみに 中田羽後/ W082;Q157;しゅをほめうたえ 中田羽後/ W083;Q161;みかみよわがみは 中田羽後/ W137;Q087;Low in a manger/ W140;Let joy your carols fill/ W174;Rise, glorious Conqueror/ W205;Q044;つみにけがれしこのみをば/ W227;Dear Christian, one and all, rejoice (Num freut euch, liebe Christen g'mein) (LUTHER)/ W234;Our faith is in the Christ/ W239;Thou hidden source of calm repose (WESLEY)/ W251;O Maker of the sea and sky/ W252;O Love divine, that stooped to share/ W258;On our way rejoicing/ W272;O God, whose law from age to age/ W289;Q036;Nothing between, Lord/ W292;Q171;きょうまでまもられ/ W305;Q305;しゅはわがかいぬしなれば 中田羽後/ W314;Q387;ひとつぶのむぎ/ W330;O Jesus, Prince of life and truth/ W340;Q423;むらのちいさききょうかい 中田羽後/ W341;With happy voices singing/ W347;Q311;Be not dismayed whate'er betide/ W355;In loving adoration/ W359;Sing to the great Jehovah's praise (WESLEY)/ W366;The Lord is in His holy temple/ W367;Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts (WATTS)/ W370;Let the words of my mouth/ W371;Lord, have mercy upon us/ W374;Almighty Father, hear our prayer/ W380;Q057;Bless Thou the gifts/ W382;Be present at our table/ W386;Lord, let us now depart in peace/ W390;Amen/ W391;Q215;God loved the world of sinners/ W398;Q111;There was one who was willing to do/ W401;Q109;Have you read the story of the cross/ W405;Q180;Oh! do not let the Word depart/ W419;Q447;Oh, come to the Saviour (CROSBY)/ W421;Q034;Father, I stretch my hands to Thee (WESLEY) W426;Q236;Years I spent in vanity and pride/ W434;Q185;Will you come, will you come (CROSBY)/ W438;Q240;Is there anyone can help us?/ W446;Q223;In tenderness He sought me/ W448;Q243;O what a Saviour that He died for me!/ W454;Q360;I can sing now the song/ W460;Q260;There's a song in my heart/ W463;Q264;I am redeem'd, oh, praise the Lord! (CROSBY)/ W464;Q263;There is great rejoicing/ W462;Q265;Glory to Jesus, who died/ W466;Q267;My soul today is thirsting/ W467;Q268;Since Christ my soul from sin/ W473;Q249;I entered once a home of care/ W482;Q155;I will sing the wondrous story/ W483;Q156;I am happy, O so happy/ W485;Q354;I have a Saviour who lightens my way/ W488;Somebody knows when your heart/ W189;Q313;Flee as a bird to your mountain/ W491;Q314;O pilgrim bound for the heav'nly land/ W492;When sorrow and storms/ W494;Q320;Upon life's boundless ocean/ W497;Q318;きみはわがみの 中田羽後/ W499;Q319;What tho' clouds may hover/ W502;Q389;わがしゅはまことのぼくしゃ/ W503;Q315;What a fellowship, what a joy divine/ W504;Oh, the best friends to have/ W508;Q321;Though the angry surges roll/ W515;My soul, be on thy guard/ W518;Q424;Gone from my heart/ W519;Q426;A friend of Jesus!/ W522;Q429;Naught have I gotten/ W523;Q425;Blightly beams our Father's mercy/ W528;Q436;There are tasks to be done/ W532;Q362;They tell me the story of Jesus is old/ W538;Q281;When the day is dark and gloomy/ W543;Oh, now I see the crimson wave/ W544;Q368;Sins of years are wash'd away/ W548;Q370;One thing I of the Lord desire/ W550;Q371;All I have by Thy blood Thou dost/ W554;Q373;Not I, but Christ▼3/ W556;You have longed for sweet peace/ W557;Q191;Precious Lord, take my hand/ W559;ながかおわれいまたずね 中田羽後▼2/ W564;Q410;Elijah made a sacrifice/ W565;Q132;They were in an upper chamber/ W566;Q413;O fire of God begin in me/ W567;Q407;My spirit, soul, and body/ W571;Q421;God is here and that to bless us/ W572;Q414;God sent His mighty pow'r/ W578;Q392;Is your life a channel of blessing?/ W579;Q393;Blessed Jesus, Thou art mine/ W580;Q395;Jesus called the rugged fishers/ W583;Q400;Since I started out/ W584;Q398;We are bound for Aanaan land/ W585;Q399;My life, my love I give to Thee/ W588;Q355;'Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus/ W595;Q595;A friend have I who standeth near/ W596;Q338;Walking in sunlight/ W598;Q346;Once it was the blessing/ W599;Saviour, more than life to me (CROSBY)/ W600;Q347;Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling/ W605;Q284;God will fill our heart for service/ W606;I have a Saviour, He's pleading in/ W612;Q205;すくいぬしイエスは 中田羽後/ W615;Q445;Tho' your heart may be heavy with sorrow and care/ W616;Q451;There is healing at the fountain (CROSBY)/ W617;Q452;Just one touch as He moves/ W618;When Christ of old with healing pow'r/ W622;Q148;ゆうべくもやくる/ W623;Q465;いつかはしらねど/ W625;Will our lamps be filled and ready/ W628;Q150;I am far frae my hame/ W630;Q151;Be not aweary, for labor will cease/ W631;In the Advent Light, O Saviour/ W632;Q466;Jesus may come today, Glad day!/ W644;O they tell me of a home/ W646;When my life-work is ended (CROSBY)/ W647;There is a city bright/ W652;Q477;はらにわかくさが 中田羽後/ W653;Q478;やまはみどり 中田羽後/ W657;Q486;おおしくあれ 中田羽後/ W663;The wise may bring their learning/ W666;Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes! (LUTHER)/ W672;Very softly I will walk/ W673;Jesus bids us shine/ W674;In our work and in our play/ W679;The shepherds had an angel/ W689;Q493;Die Himmel ruhmen/ W690;Unfold, ye portals/ W693;Q495;Crown Him, crown Him with glory/ W695;At Calvary's cross I met/ W697;Awake! awake!/ W701;Q376;O what a wonderful Saviour▼2/ W702;Q271;Once a sinner far from Jesus/ W703;Q457;My life is not what it used to be/ W704;Q470;Oh, think of a home/ W705;Q377;There is a stream/ W706;When the hosts of Israel/ W707;Q200;Are you weary?/ W713;John said of Christ/ W717;Jesus has a table spread/ W720;Q441;のぞみはうせ/ W721;Q381;あさひのひかり/ W723;Q402;It may be in the valley/ W725;Q219;Of Jesus'love I'm singing/ W727;I am watching for the coming/ W728;Q149;When Jesus comes (CROSBY)/ Q029;わがしゅよわがかみよ/ Q030;すくいのわざを/ Q031;たえなるしゅのあい/ Q052;そなえたまいし/ Q064;ちちなるかみ/ Q065;めぐみとまことに/ Q072;わがこころしゅをほめ/ Q090;ベツレヘムよ/ Q092;そのよるダビデのまちの/ Q093;くらいそらにただひとつ/ Q094;よるがあけて/ Q095;さむさきびしく/ Q116;なんというふかいキリストのあいよ/ Q120;じゅうじかよりさけびきこゆ/ Q163;くすしきかな/ Q168;ハレルヤとうたえ/ Q169;こころをつくして/ Q187;いざかえれや/ Q198;God bless you/ Q227;つみふかき/ Q228;さかえにかがやく/ Q245;なげくもののあふれる/ Q256;みつばさわれを/ Q287;まなばせてください/ Q288;いわなりしろなり/ Q290;ののはなをみよと/ Q292;もしわたしがくるしまなかったら/ Q293;そはながかみこそ/ Q294;えらばれしものエステルは/ Q295;ちちのひの/ Q328;かみはわれらのつよきたて/ Q329;みくにへのみち/ Q330;さいわいうすくみゆるひに/ Q331;きょうまできたのは/ Q334;あさしずかに▼3/ Q349;うつりゆくときのまも/ Q350;しゅのめぐみかたるはたのし/ Q351;わたしたちはふくいんを/ Q352;こころにしゅのあい/ Q363;みうせしわがしゅと/ Q375;またきへいわ/ Q382;こころからねがうのは/ Q405;こころのそこより/ Q406;しゅにありていくるとき/ Q417;しゅのやくそく/ Q422;めぐみはあめつちに/ Q431;いままでのわたしのじんせい/ Q461;にがきをしのびて/ Q472;よのたびじは/ Q476;すばらしいものは 中田羽後/ Q481;きみはかみさまにね/ Q483;あるひイエスさまに/ Q484;かみさまありがとう/ Q487;ダビデはのはらで/ Q488;ヨナはよげんしゃ/ Q489;おめでとうみんな/ Q490;うまごやのなかで/ Q491;ハレルヤいざ/ Q492;きょうはたんじょうびだね/ Q506;とおいむかしのエルサレム/ Q509;さりゆくともの/

(L) 教会讃美歌(聖文舎・1974)

L005;Jesus, thy Church with longing eyes/ L018;The holy Son of God most high/ L045; (Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ) (LUTHER)/ L086;Jesus, in thy dying woes/ L108;Now let the vault of heaven resound/ L120; (Komm Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist) (LUTHER)/ L121; (Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist) (LUTHER)/ L125;Spirit of mercy, truth, and love/ L129;Father of glory, to thy Name (WATTS)/ L130; (Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei) (LUTHER)/ L141; (Ach Gott, com Himmel sieh darein) (LUTHER)/ L143;For all thy saints, O Lord/ L148;'Tis good, Lord, to be here/ L149;Before the Lord we vow/ L153;Thee we adore, eternal Lord/ L159;Blessing and honor, and glory/ L165;O Saviour, precious Saviour/ L166;Praise ye the Lord, O come/ L174;The true Light that enlightens man/ L179;Our God, to whom we turn/ L186;Thou, whose unmeasured temple/ L196;O Saviour, bless us as we go/ L235; (Jesaja dem Propheten das gaschah) (LUTHER)/ L237;The Law of God is good and wise/ L243;The Spirit of the Lord/ L248;Saviour, who thy flock art feeding/ L259; (Jesus Christus, unser Heiland) (LUTHER)/ L260;Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray/ L281;Arise, O, God, and shine/ L283; (Es wolle Gott uns gnadig sein) (LUTHER)/ L299;With broken heart and contrite sigh/ L302;Enslaved by sin and bound in chains/ L310;What wondrous love is this/ L311;Christ alone is our salvation/ L315;A cry in the night/ L320;Blest is the man, forever blest (WATTS)/ L365;Our God is love, and all his saints/ L367;Lord, as to thy dear Cross/ L412;Lead us, O Father, in the paths/ L417;O God of mercy, God of might/ L420;Son of God, eternal Saviour/ L421;May we thy precepts, Lord fulfill/ L422:Lord, speaks to me that I may/ L426;Behold us, Lord, a little space/ L429;Holy Father, in thy mercy/ L431;Thou by heavenly hosts adored/ L433;Great God, our source/ L435;God. the ommioitent!/ L436;O God of love, O King/ L441;Our Father, by whose Name/ L443;All things seen and all things heard/ L444;Men and children everywhere/ L446;The Lord our God alone is strong/ L447;Teach me, my God and King/ L449;Let children hear the mighty deeds (WATTS)/ L474;There is a balm in Gilead/ L485;Lord of the Church, we humbly pray/ L486;Thou Lord of Hosts, whose guiding hand/ L487;We bid thee welcome in the name/ L490;O thou who gavest power to love/ L492;O Father, by whose sovereign sway/ L493;We lift our hearts, O Father/ L499;Praise ye the Lord, ye servants/ L500;God be merciful unto us/ L502;God, the Father, bless us/

(i) インマヌエル讃美歌(インマヌエル総合伝道団出版局・1981改訂)

i010;God of Almighty Love (WESLEY)/ i011;What Shall I Render? (WESLEY)/ i012;Jesus, We Look To Thee (WESLEY)/ i013;Author of Faith, Eternal Word (WESLEY)/ i015;What Shall I Do My God To Love? (WESLEY)/ i020;Sweet Is the Work, My God (WATTS)/ i022;My Heart is Full of Christ (WESLEY)/ i023;Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love (WESLEY)/ i027;The Lord Jehovah Reigns (WATTS)/ i028;I'll Praise My Maker (WATTS)/ i034;Meet and Right It Is to Sing ( (WESLEY)/ i035;Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost (WESLEY)/ i036;O God of Good (WESLEY)/ i039;Oh, It is Wonderful/ i048;Loving Kindess/ i049;Saved, Saved!/ i050;Jesus Never Fails/ i053;The Love of God (cf.B206;)/ i080;Hallelujah, What is a Saviour!/ i081;We're Marching to Zion (WATTS)/ i082;Crown Him/ i083;What a Wonderful Saviour! (E.A.HOFFMANN)/ i089;He Abides/ i094;Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem Came/ i104;Jesus my King, my Wonderful Saviour/ i106;One Day When Heaven was Filled/ i110;Family Prayer/ i111;What a Friend We Have in Mother/ i113;Would you believe?/ i131;The Banner of the Cross/ i136;Elijah's God Still Lives/ i137;God is Here, and that to Bless Us/ i138;The Same Old Way/ i139;Whom Having Not Seen I Love/ i142;I am praying for You/ i150;Ere You Left Your Room This Morning/ i161;I'm Glad Salvation's Free/ i173;Would You be Saved?/ i178;Since I Have Been Redeemed/ i180;He Took My Sins Away/ i181;O, the Wondrous Love of Jesus/ i183;A New Name in Glory/ i186;Come, O Thou All Victorious Lord/ i187;Your Sarrow Shall Be/ i188;The Lion of Judah/ i190;Who Could It Be?/ i192;There's a Saviour/ i193;At Calvary/ i194;My Redeemer/ i195;He Lifted Me/ i198;He Loves Even Me/ i204;Tell Mother I'll be There/ i205;Lord, I'm Coming Home/ i206;Only Trust Him/ i207;Almost Persuaded/ i211;Jesus Will Give You Rest (CROSBY)/ i212;The Gospel Light/ i214;Since Jesus Came Into My Heart/ i216;The Hallelujah Side/ i217;He's the One/ i218;Nothing But Blood of Jesus/ i225;Glory to Jesus, He Saves/ i228;Tell It to Jesus/ i229;Jesus is Calling (CROSBY)/ i230;I am Redeemed/ i231;I'm Redeemed/ i232;The King's Business/ i234;Let the Sunshine In/ i238;Jesus Has Lifted the Load/ i241;Give Me Thy Heart/ i244;The Light of the World is Jesus/ i245;Just Because He Loved Me So/ i246;Safe on the Rock/ i247;Halleluja, 'Tis Done/ i249;Ye Must Be Born Again/ i250;Why Not To-night/ i251;Jesus Loves Even Me/ i252;His Grace Aboundeth More/ i269;Days are Filled with Sorrow and Care/ i270;All My Life Long I Had Planted/ i273;When Your Heart Is Aching/ i274;Once I was Bound/ i279;Cleansing for Me/ i280;Search Me, O God (cf.M110;)/ i281;We Are Waiting for the Promise/ i282;How the Fire Fell/ i283;I Will Praise Him/ i284;A New Touch of Life/ i285;Sanctifying Power/ i286;Holiness unto the Lord/ i287;From Every Stain Made Clean/ i291;Take All My Sins Away/ i292;Is Your All on the Altar?/ i297;I Beleive Jesus Saves/ i298;To the Uttermost He Saves/ i299;Like a mighty Sea/ i301;I am Waiting ,Thou Art Willing/ i302;I'm Believing and Receiving/ i303;Whiter Than Snow/ i301;A Clean Heart/ i305;Cleanse and Fill Me/ i310;Everything For Jesus/ i311;Consecration/ i312;Nailed to the Cross/ i314;Breathe Upon Us/ i315;When I See the Blood/ i316;The Cleansing Wave/ i318;I'll Live for Him/ i319;Glory to His Name/ i322;Blessed Jesus, Keep Me White/ i323;Let the Blood Cleanse Away/ i324;Where Jesus is, 'Tis Heaven/ i325;Fire and the Holy Ghost/ i326;It Cleanseth Me/ i327;Blessed Quietness/ i328;This is like Heaven to Me/ i329;'Tis Burning In My Soul/ i334;Where He Leads Me/ i337;Father! I Strech My Hands to Thee/ i338;Jesus, Thine All-Victorious Love (WESLEY)/ i339;Lord, Possess Me Now, I Pray/ i341;More Like the Master/ i343;Himself/ i346;Jesus, Plant and Root in Me/ i347;A Holy Ghost Revival/ i351;Channels Only/ i358;To the Regions Beyond/ i359;Transform My Life/ i364;Only a Sinner/ i365;Brighten the Corner Where You Are/ i366;Speed Away/ i367;Follow Me/ i368;Anywhere With Jesus/ i371;Jesus Saves!/ i372;If Jesus Goes With Me/ i374;Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy/ i383;The Story of Jesus (WITTIER)/ i386;The Grand Old Bible/ i391;Thy World is a Lamp To My Feet/ i409;Come, Thou Langexpected Jesus (WESLEY)/ i428;They Led Him Away/ i437;Christ Arose/ i442;He Has Surely Borne Our Sorrow/ i443;Old Time Power/ i448;I Will Build My Church/ i460;Let Me Go Where Saints Are Going/ i468;Lean of His Arms/ i480;Victory Ahead/ i481;Dare to Stand Like Joshua/ i482;I've Anchored in Jesus/ i484;The Best Friends is Jesus/ i486;Leaning on the Everlasting Arms/ i487;Look Beyond/ i488;Bring Peace to My Soul/ i495;In Thy Cleft, O Rock of Ages (CROSBY)/ i502;Coming to Jesus, My Saviour/ i503;I Bow My Forehead to the Dust (WITTIER)/ i505;I Hear My Blessed Saviour Say/ i506;Nothing is impossible/ i508;"God with Us" Is the Name of Our King/ i509;Always Enough/ i513;He keeps Me Singing/ i515;Dwelling in Beulah Land/ i516;Contentment/ i517;I am Only Way to Heaven/ i519;I Walk With the King/ i520;Nothing But the Love of Jesus/ i522;Come and Dine/ i523;Glory to God, Hallelujah! (CROSBY)/ i524;My All in All/ i525;Wonderful Saviour/ i527;Trust and Obey/ i531;Being of Being, God of Love (WESLEY)/ i532;I Would Love to Tell You/ i533;My Soul Is Filled with Glory/ i538;Count Your Blessings/ i544;His Eye Is On the Sparrow/ i546;Heavenly Sunlight/ i551;Lead Me On/ i555;A Pilgrim was I/ i560;As Thou Goest Step By Step/ i573;Christ is All/ i578;I Would Be Like Jesus/ i579;Give Me a Heart Like Thine/ i587;Teach Me to Pray/ i592;O Jesus, Lord of Heavenly Grace/ i598;His Way With Thee/ i599;The Way is Narrow/ i600;"Are You Able" Said the Master/ i603;Living for Jesus, Oh, What peace/ i605;All for Jesus, all for Jesus (cf.X340;Y506;)/ i608;The Cross Is Not Greater/ i611;Sons of God, Beloved in Jesus/ i614;Launch Out/ i615;Step by Step/ i617;Walking with Jesus/ i618;I do not Know Why Oft'round Me/ i621;Nothing Between My Soul and The Saviour/ i623;Like to the Joy of Heaven/ i624;This Changeful World No Peace Affords/ i634;In The Service/ i636;Carry Your Cross with a Smile/ i639;If Your Heart Keeps Right/ i643;The Thought of Christ's Love Cheers My Heart/ i646;When Doubts Disturb My Breast/ i654;The Fight is On/ i655;Hold the Fort/ i658;Victory/ i664;Beautiful Robes So White/ i665;There's a Land Beyond the River/ i667;Saved by Grace/ i669;The Home Over There/ i670;The Promised Land/ i671;Saving Grace/ i673;Some Bright Morning/ i674;Is It the Crowning Day?/ i678;The Hope of The Coming of the Lord/ i679;The Meeting in the Air/ i681;Oh, What a Change!/ i683;Our Lord's Return to Earth Again/ i684;My Saviour First of All/ i685;Christ Returneth/ i686;O That Will Be Glory/ i687;When We All Get to Heaven/ i688;The Unclouded Day/ i689;When the Roll is Called up Yonder/ i690;When the Bridegroom Comes/ i693;In the New Jerusalem/ i694;When I Shall Come to the End of My Way/ i696;Spirit of the Living God/ i699;Thank you, Lord (cf.P131;)/ i701;Into My Heart/ i702;Safe Am I/ i703;Wonderful Jesus/ i704;One Door, and Only One/ i705;Only Believe/ i706;Rolled Away/ i707;Fishers of Men/ i708;Hallelujah!/ i709;Ev'ry Day With Jesus/ i711;When God Forgives, He Forgets/ i712;For God So Loved the World/ i713;My Sins Are Gone/ i717;Gentle Shepherd, Come and Lead Us/

(S) 救世軍歌集(救世軍出版供給部・1954改訂)
(G) 救世軍歌集/短歌(救世軍出版供給部・1954改訂) ※歌詞のみ。1997年版のコーラスの補足としてのみ掲載
(U) 救世軍歌集(救世軍出版供給部・1997)
(R) 救世軍歌集/第二部 コーラス(救世軍出版供給部・1997)

S001;U100;O Boundless Salvation!/ S003;U056;Behold The Saviour Of Mankind (S.WESLEY)/ S004;On Calvary's Bros My Saviour Died./ S006;Extended On A Cursed Tree/ S007;Oh, Come And Look Awhile On Him/ S008;U058;O Bleeding Lamb Of Calvary/ S011;U098;Return, O Wanderer, Return/ S013;This Is The Glorious Gospel Word/ S016:U122;もろびとにゆきわたり 山室武甫/ S017;Come To The Saviour, Come To The Saviour/ S018;U037;The Great Physician Now is near/ S020;U099;Hark! The Gospel News Is Sounding/ S021;U115;Only A Step To Jesus! (CROSBY)/ S022;Come, Sinners, To Jesus, No Longer Delay/ S023;U106;Sinner, Wheresoe'ver Thou Art (CROSBY)/ S024;U110;Have You Any Room For Jesus/ S025;Fly. Ye Sinners, To Yon Mountain/ S026;U121;So Near To The Kingdom (CROSBY)/ S028;We're Travelling Home To Heaven/ S029;Love Of Love So Wondrous, Rich And Free/ S030;U094;Is There A Heart That Is Waiting?/ S031;U120;O, Wanderer, Knowing Not the Smile (O wanderer, knowing not the smile)/ S032;U101;We Have A Message, A Message From Jesus/ S033;Listen To The Invitation:"Come, Ye Weary."/ S035;U103;Come To The Saviour, Make No Delay/ S036;Who'll Be The Next To Follow Jesus?/ S038;Hark! The Voice Of Jesus Calling (cf.i352;)/ S039;U124;Ten Thousand Thousand Souls/ S040;Guilty, Lost Sinner, From God Thou Hast Wandered/ S042;U095;We're Bound For The Land/ S043;U123;Joy, Freedom, Peace, And Ceaseless Blessing/ S044;Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy/ S046;U118;A Ruler Once Came To Jesus/ S047;Say, Are You Weary? Are You Heavy Laden?/ S048;U112;O, Do Not Let Thy Lord Depart/ S049;U111;What Is Your Conscience Saying?/ S050;"Almost Persuaded" Now To Believe/ S051;U108;The Wages Of Sin Is Death (WESLEY)/ S052;Come, Sinners, Come As You Are/ S053;Oh, Turn Ye, Of, Turn Ye/ S054;Many Fears, Sins And Tears/ S055;When You Come To Death's Cold Flood/ S056;With A Sorrow For Sin/ S057;Pity, Lord, A Wretched Sinner/ S058;Sinners, Whither Would You Wander?/ S060;You'll See The Great White Throne/ S062;Your Garments must be white as snow/ S063;Day Of Judgemnt! Day Of Wonders!/ S064;The Angel Of The Lord Shall Stand/ S065;When Thou, My Righteous Judge/ S067;Behold! Behold Lamb Of God/ S070;U126;Jesus, See Me At Thy Feet/ S075;Saviour, Hear Me, While Before Thy Feet/ S078;Oh, What Shall I Do To Be Saved?/ S079;A Broken Heart, My God, My King (WATTS)/ S083;The Heart That Once Has Jesus Known/ S084;Weary Of Wand'ing From My God (WESLEY)/ S087;Jesus Saves Me Ev'ry Day/ S088;U183;I Am Saved, Blessedly Saved/ S092;There Was A Saviour Came Seeking/ S093;I Was Once A Slave Of Sake/ S094;U137;We Are Out On The Ocean/ S095;U059;I Heard Of A Saviour Whose Love Was So Great/ S096;Oh, Happy, Happy Day/ S097;U160;Down At The Cross Where My Saviour Died/ S098;U169;Jesus Is My Saviour, This I Know/ S099;With Loads Of Sin Upon Me/ S101;U158;しゅにすくわれてあらたにうまる 秋元巳太郎/ S102;U151;Have You Seen The Crucified?/ S107;U068;Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be/ S108;U030;Jesus, The Name High Over All (WESLEY)/ S109;Dear Lord, And Can It Ever Be/ S110;U155;My Saviour Sufferd On The Tree/ S113;U175;Come And Rejoice With Me/ S117;U170;One There Is Above All Others (cf.X351;)/ S118;There's Not A Friend Like The Lowly Jesus/ S119;U156;Would You Know Why I Love Jesus/ S120;Now I Have Found A Friend/ S121;Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness/ S122;U140;Living In The Fountain, Walking In The Light/ S125;U181;My Soul Is Now United to Christ/ S128;U289;Jesus, My Saviour, I Will Follow Thee/ S129;Begone, Vain World!/ S134;U013;Come, Let Us All Unite To Sing/ S136;I Think Upon Out Silver Lakes/ S137;U002;かすみとまごうさくらはな 田中清治郎(天然の美)/ S139;U149;けがれしみをさえ 宮川勇/ S142;Boundless As The Mighty Ocean/ S143;U180;I Feel Like Singing All The Time/ S144;U177;O Jesus, My Saviour, I Know Thou Art Mine/ S150;U138;O Jesus! How Vast Thy Love (O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast Thy love to me!)/ S152;U166;I Am Saved! I Am Saved!/ S153;U139;Oh, What Shall I Do My Saviour To Praise (O what shall I do my Saviour) (WESLEY)/ S157;U351;Make The World With Music Ring/ S160;U190;Why Are You Doubting And Fearing?/ S161;U187;Yes, There Flows A Wondrouns River/ S163;If You Want Pardon/ S165;There Flows A Stream From My Riven Side/ S168;Jesus, Thy Great And Glorious Fame/ S169;U208;Before Thy face, Dear Lord/ S170;U254;Come Jesus, Lord, With Holy Fire (Charles or John WESLEY)/ S171;U195;I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb Of God/ S172;U203;Blessed Lamb Of Calvary (cf.S232;)/ S173;Thou Hidden Love Of God/ S174;U200;Lord, Through The Blood of the Lamb/ S175;U211;Jesus, Saviour, I Am Waiting/ S176;Oh, When Shall My Soul Find Her Rest/ S177;Tell Me What To Do To Be Pure/ S178;When Shall These Conflicts Cease?/ S179;O Lamb Of God/ S180;O Jesus, Saviour, Christ Divine/ S181;U191;O Christ Of Pure And Perfect Love/ S182;Spotless Lamb, Oh, Wilt Thou Make Me/ S184;What Are Now Those Burning Longings/ S185;U198;O Spotless Lamb! I Come To Thee/ S186;U227;Touch Me With Thy Healing Hand/ S194;U229;Jesus, Precious Saviour/ S195;My body, Soul, And Spirit/ S196;U215;The Love of Christ Doth Me Constrain/ S197;U223;Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb (WESLEY)/ S198;U239;Let Me Love Thee, Thou Art Claiming/ S199;U219;Lord, Thou Art Questioning/ S200;U225;Saviour, If My Feet Have Faltered/ S204;My Heart Is Fixed, Eternal God/ S205;U298;I Kneel Beside Thy Sacred Cross/ S206;U276;Though Thunders Roll/ S211;U294;Spirit Of Faith, Come Down (WESLEY)/ S212;Come, Holy Ghost, All-Sacred Fire!/ S213;U084;All The Guilty Past Is Washed Away/ S215;U085;Precious Saviour, We Are Coming/ S217;U083;Jesus Is Glorified (WESLEY)/ S218;U326;せいれいにてみたされ 山室軍平/ S219;Holy Ghost, We Bid Thee Welcome/ S220;U252;I Was A Slave For Many Years/ S221;U210;Give Me A Heart To Praise My God (WESLEY)/ S222;U199;Give Me A Holy Life/ S223;U193;Come, O Thou Universal God (WESLEY)/ S225;U238;I'm Set Apart For Jesus/ S226;U248;Lord, I Make A Full Surrender/ S228;Precious Jesus, Oh, To Love Thee/ S229;Only Thee, My Soul's Redeemer! (CROSBY)/ S230;U263;In The Secret Of Thy Presence/ S232;U247;Blessed Lamb Of Calvary (cf.S172;)/ S237:U260;しゅよわれとともに 植村益蔵/ S238;Centre Of Out Hopes Thou Art (WESLEY)/ S239;U201;Let Me Hear Thy Voice Now Speaking/ S240;U259;Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth/ S241;U270;While Here Before Thy Cross I Kneel/ S242;U271;Here, Lord, Assembled In Thy Name/ S244;U226;The Saviour Of Men Came To Seek And To Save/ S245;U274;みよわがはらから 山室軍平/ S246;U275;Lord, For A Mighty Revival We Plead/ S248;U366;Would You Of Our Banner Know?/ S249:U365;All Round The World the Army/ S250;We Meet The Foes Of All Manking/ S251;The Cross And The Colours/ S252;U364;They Bid Me Choose An Easier Path/ S258;U335;To The War! To The War!/ S259;U323;I Have Read Of Men Of Faith/ S260;U324;We Are Marching O'er The Regions/ S261;U329;Soldiers Of Our God, Arise!/ S262;O Soldier, Awake! (CROSBY)/ S264;U316;Soldier, Rouse Thee! War Is Raging/ S265;U319;きけイエスきみの 山室軍平/ S267:U314;イエスはわがたて 山室武甫/ S268:U317;いのちおしまぬさんびゃくの 山室軍平/ S270;U348;What Sounds Are Those/ S271;U330;To The Front! The Cry Is Ringing/ S272;U341;Salvation Is Our Motto/ S273;U344;We Are Sweeping Through The Land/ S274;God Is Keeping His Soldiers Fighting/ S275;We'll Be Heroes/ S276;U342;There Is Coming On A Great Day Of Rejoicing/ S277;U349;On To The Conflict/ S281;U337;われにしたがえ 山室軍平/ S282;The Lord Shed His Blood/ S284;U321;このいとちいさきひとひとり 山室軍平▼3/ S286;U331;ひとりがひとりを 山室軍平/ S287;Will You Quit The Field?/ S289;U272;せかいをうごかす 山室軍平/ S288;In The Fight, Say, Does Your Heart Grow Weary?/ S292;U273;What A Work The Lord Has Done/ S293;Come, Shout And Sing/ S294;U375;Ye Valiant Soldiers Of The Cross/ S292;U350;Marching On In The Light Of God/ S296;U345;We Are Marching On With Shield (CROSBY)/ S297;U361;Joy! Joy! Joy! There Is Joy/ S298;U355;Hark, Hark, My Soul/ S299;U352;We're The Soldiers Of The Army Of Salvations/ S300;U359;Come, Join Our Army, To Battle We Go/ S301;U356;こははらからを 山室軍平/ S302;U358;まずしきものはふくいんを 山室軍平/ S304:U313;イエスのみすくいの 山室武甫/ S305:U357;ちのはてばてまで 山室武甫/ S307;U336;ゆけわがともすすみゆけ 長谷川庚子/ S309;U371;Traveller, Whither Art Thou Going/ S310;Oh! What Has Jesus Done For Me?/ S311;When All My Labours And Trials Are O'er/ S313;U372;I Have A Home That Is Fairer Than Day/ S315;Above The Waves Of Earthly Strife/ S316;U370;In My Father's House Are Many Mansions/ S317;U374;We Speak Of The Realm Of The Blest/ S319;U376;There Is A Better World, They Say/ S321;U299;Through The Love Of God Our Saviour/ S322;Give To The Winds Thy Fears/ S324;U277;The Cross That He Gave May Be Heavy/ S325;Happy Thy Who Trust In Jesus/ S326;U279;Sometimes I'm Tried With Toil And Care/ S327;U297;When You Feel Weakest, Dangers Surround/ S328;U369;Kind Words Can Never Die/ S335;Begone, Unbelief, My Saviour Is Near/ S336;Awake, Our Souls! Away, Our Fears (WATTS)/ S337;When Moses And His Soldiers Left Egypt/ S338;U092;うきよのふなじに 田中清治郎/ S340;U290;I Must Have The Saviour With Me/ S346;U304;I Do Not Ask Thee, Lord/ S349;Asleep In A Manger (LUTHER)/ S354;A Little Ship Was On The Sea/ S356;Jesus Is The Dearest/ S358;Remember Thy Creator, While Youth/ S359;Accept My Youth, My Strength/ S361;U178;O Thou God of My Salvation (OLIVERS)/ S362;Soldiers Of The Cross Arise (WESLEY)/ S368;Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam/ S371;Standing By A Purpose True/ S380:U396;やまなすたからも 宮川勇/ S385;U360;むなしきたからは 山室軍平/ S386:U230;ちからのあふるる 山室武甫/ S388;The Shepherd Of My Soul/ S389:U228;たいのうのしゅのめしをうけ 山室武甫/ S393;U235;Saviour, I Long To Be Nearer To Thee/ S399;U078;むかししゅイエスはくさふかき 山室軍平/ S402;U385;つくりぬしのみひかりを 由木康/ S403;U386;We Greet With Joy The Glad New Year/ S407;In Wondrous Love And Might Arrayed/ S420:When Jesus Was Born In The Manger/ S421;When Wisemen Came/ S427:U387;すぎゆくつきひは 山室武甫/ S432;Like The Deep Green Of The Pine-Tree/ S433;Our Jesus Freely Did Appear/ S434;U354;さけはひとのこらを 山室軍平/ S437;U384;そうしゅつれびみん(創出レビ民)木村清松/ S439;Guard The Bible Well/ S447:U165;すくいうけしわがこころに 山室武甫/ S448:U398;ふじのたかねのゆきよりも 宮川勇/ S451;U395;And Are We Yet Alive? (WESLEY)/ S455;U311;Blest Be The Dear Uniting Love/ S456;U312;あいするひのもと 座古愛子/ S459;U362;O Thou God Of Every Nation/ S464;U159;No Home On Earth Have I/ S465;U353;The World For God!/ S466;Dear Jesus On Calvary/ S468;U063;Wonderful Story Of Love!/ S471;U104;Whosoever Heareth (Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound)/ S472;U142;O What A Wonderful Day (O what a wonderful, wonderful day)/ S473;He Hidth My Soul (CROSBY)/ S474;U244;I Would Be Thy Holy Temple/ S475;Jesus, Thou Art Everything To Me/ S477;O Live Thy Life In Me/ S478;Oh, Come Just Now To Me/ U014;God's love to me is wondeful/ U015;Don't assume that God's dismissed/ U016;If human hearts are often tender/ U018;The Lord's my Shepherd (cf.Z041;)/ U019;Many are the things I cannnot understand/ U022;On God's word relying/ U031;I know Thee who Thou art/ U048;There's a light in the sky/ U053;On Calvary's brow my Saviour/ U055;Behold Him now on yonder tree/ U060;O come and look awhile on Him/ U069;I love to sing of the Saviour/ U074;When Jesus looked o'er Galilee/ U076;When Jesus was born in a manger/ U079;What is the love of Jesus/ U080;Burning, burning, brightly/ U093;O'er our country, from ocean/ U114;Sinner, how thy heart is troubled! (CROSBY)/ U116;Do you sometimes feel that no one/ U119;The glorious gospel word declares/ U135;Saviour, hear me while before Thy feet/ U145;There is sunshine in my soul today/ U146;God is our light and God is our sunshine/ U152;There's song that's ringing/ U161;I'm a soldier bound for Glory/ U162;I want to tell what god has done/ U163;Jesus came to save me/ U164;Jesus my Lord will love me for ever/ U167;The Saviour sought and found me/ U168;Songs of salvation are sounding/ U171;In my heart there's a gladsome melody/ U172;Yet once again, by God's abundant mercy/ U184;My Jesus, I love Thee/ U188;I hear Thy welcome voice/ U189;Though your sins may be as scarlet (cf.U109;)/ U196;Earthly pleasures vainly call me/ U202;Saviour, I want Thy love to know/ U204;Centre of our hopes Thou art (WESLEY)/ U205;Tell me what to do to be pure/ U207;O disclose Thy lovely face! (WESLEY)/ U212;O Lamb of God, Thou wonderful/ U214;My body, soul and spirit/ U216;What can I say to cheer/ U221;And is it so? A gift from me/ U222;I bring to Thee my heart to fill/ U232;Kneeling before Thee/ U233;I walked one day along/ U234;When wondrous words my Lord/ U236;Though in declaring Christ/ U240;How can I better serve Thee/ U241;Saviour, my all I'm bringing/ U242;All there is of me, Lord/ U246;From the heart of Jesus/ U249;Precious Jesus, O to love Thee!/ U253;Ring the bells of Heaven/ U258;Jesus, tender lover of my soul/ U265;I am praying, blessed Saviour/ U278;I shall not fear though/ U281;Peace, perfect peace, far beyond/ U285;There is strength in knowing/ U288;Happy we who trust in Jesus/ U296;Looking unto Jesus/ U302;Like to a lamb who from the fold/ U318;God's soldier marches as to war/ U332;O soldier, awake, for the strife/ U338;Valiant soldier, marching to the fray/ U347;'Tis religion that can give/ U367;Army flag! Thy three-fold glory/ U379;One golden dawning/ U388;This stone to Thee in faith/ R001;O send another Pentecost/ R002;O 'twas love, 'twas wondrous/ R003;G017;Love I ask for, love I claim/ R004;Lord, hear my prayer/ R005;G006;Teach me how to love Thee/ R006;G018;Spirit of the Living God/ R007;O for a deeper, O for a greater/ R008;O come to my heart, Lord Jesus/ R009;G026;O Calvary! dark Calvary/ R010;G019;Into my heart/ R011;O speak, O speak while before/ R012;G002;My Lord, my Lord, bless me/ R014;Silently now I wait for Thee/ R015;G008;Fellowship with Thee/ R016;G012;Enter, enter right into my heart/ R017;O touch me again, Lord/ R018;Lord, make Calvary real to me/ R019;Meet my need, Lord/ R020;G007;Show Thyself to me/ R021;O pour it in my soul/ R022;G032;Send the power/ R023;G031;Saviour, dear Saviour/ R024;G022;Halleluhah! revive our power/ R025;ひびのかてを 中田羽後/ R026;With Thy Spirit fill me/ R027;O the spirit/ R028;G016;At Thy feet I bow adoring/ R029;G001;Bless me now/ R030;G199;Be present at our table/ R031;G200;We thank Thee, Lord for/ R033;Come, Holy Spirit, and abide/ R035;G059;To heal the broken heart/ R036;G034;Born again, born again/ R037;G075;The wounds of Christ/ R038;Oh, Calvary, Calvary, where Jesus/ R039;G050;Go back to the old wells/ R040;G061;Take the message/ R041;G033;At the cross, at the cross/ R042;G065;Boundless love, beyond degree/ R043;G047;Whosoever will may come/ R044;G037;Jesus is mighty to save!/ R045;G064;When you know Him/ R046;G049;I love Jesus, Hallelujah!/ R047;G089;I'll follow Thee, of life/ R048;G096;By the pathway of duty/ R049;G097;Where He leads me I will follow/ R050;Follow, I will follow Thee/ R051;G078;Do your duty, shirk it never/ R052;G080;I have not much to give/ R053;Sweet will of God/ R055;G083;All I have I am bringing/ R056;G093;All my days and all my hours/ R057;G094;I give Thee my best/ R058;Come, beautiful Christ/ R059;G112;When He is come to you/ R060;To be like Jesus/ R061;G106;Oh, I'll take another look/ R062;G100;The cleansing stream/ R063;G108;Oh, the Blood to me so dear/ R064;G120;Trusting Thee ever/ R066;O I'm glad there is cleansing/ R067;G116;In white, in white walking in white/ R068;G099;I'm believing and receiving/ R069;G115;Have Thy way, Lord/ R070;Holy Spirit! promised Presence/ R072;G118;Now I belong to Jesus/ R073;G104;Ever Thine, Thine alone/ R074;G138;Over me, over me/ R075;G126;So we'll stand the storm/ R076;G208;Let me behold Thy face/ R077;G119;I want to live right/ R079;God is love, I know, I feel/ R080;G134;Yesterday, today, for ever/ R081;G133;Fully trusting in the battle's fray/ R082;G144;We shall walk through the valley/ R083;Thou art the Way (cf.A329;)/ R084;G140;It was on the cross He shed/ R085;G127;Sunshine on the hill/ R086;G137;I have an interest in the bleeding Lamb/ R087;God is still on the Throne/ R088;We adore Thee, heavenly Father/ R089;G124;Breath upon me/ R090;G128;Hallelujah, Hallelujah, I love Thee/ R091;I know He cares for me/ R092;G143;Walking with my Saviour/ R093;G130;Jesus with me is united/ R095;G136;Following Jesus, ever day by day/ R096;O the peace my Saviour gives/ R097;O what a loving Saviour/ R098;Life is a song when you walk/ R099;G149;On the cross His life/ R100;Jesus knows all about our struggles/ R101;G181;Yes, He gave me peace/ R102;He's the same today as yesterday/ R103;G168;Sing on through sunny days/ R104;It's no longer I that liveth/ R105;うれしたのし 長谷川庚子/ R106;G176;I believe in the Word of God/ R108;G173;A never-falling Friend/ R109;Wonderful, wonderful Jesus (cf.i703;)/ R110;G147;He brought me out of darkness/ R112;G167;Now I know what makes me happy/ R113;G146;By the Blood my Saviour/ R114;G172;You can tell out the sweet story/ R115;G152;Heavenly sunshine/ R116;He lives, He lives/ R117;G157;He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus/ R118;Christ is the answer/ R120;G145;A wonderful Saviour is Jesus/ R123;Sing Hosanna!/ R124;G158;I love Him better every day/ R126;G174;Let the blessed sunshine in/ R127;Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name/ R128;It's new, it's new/ R129;Now my heart is glad/ R131;I love Jesus, Hallelujah (cf.R046;)/ R132;Jesus is real to me/ R133;G187;O, Lord, bless the whole Army/ R134;G188;I'll stand for Christ/ R135;G211;When the saints go marching in/ R136;G182;The day of victory's coming/ R137;G212;On we march with the blood/ R138;Blood and Fire/ R139;G210;Blood and Fire flag/ R140;G192;Under the Army flag/ R141;We are the soldiers of the cross/ R144;G203;Praise God, I'm saved!/ R146;Give to Jesus glory!/

(Y) 讃美歌21(日本基督教団出版局・1997)

Y020;To God with gladness sing/ Y036;(GLORIA IN EXCELSIS) (cf.A詩頌曲譜p.28)/ Y059;Thanks God whose Word was spoken/ Y069;Father welcomes all his children/ Y070;Child of blessing, child of promise/ Y080;For the bread which you have broken/ Y082;Now the silence/ Y089;Stay with us/ Y091;Sent forth by God's blessing/ Y095;Holy Spirit, Lord of love/ Y114;Serve the Lord, with holy fear/ Y123;Lift up the gates eternal/ Y125;How happy are they(パキスタン民謡)/ Y129;I wait for the Lord my God/ Y135;Be merciful to me/ Y136;My soul in silence waits for God/ Y142;Within Your shelter, loving God/ Y158;When God delivered Israel/ Y173;The Desert shall rejoice/ Y174;Tell out, my soul/ Y182;Blessed be the God of Israel/ Y187;Sing now with joy unto the Lord/ Y190;To a mad engaged to Joseph/ Y195;When seed falls on good soil/ Y199;The kingdom of God/ Y201;Not for tongues of heaven's angels/ Y207;We the Lord's people/ Y215;Werde munter, mein Gemute▼2/ Y237;There's a voice in the wilderness crying/ Y238;Herald, sound the note of judgement/ Y275;The people who in darkness/ Y277;The sinless one to Jordan came/ Y281; (The great Creator of the worlds)/ Y291; (From God Christ's deity came forth)/ Y304;To mock your reign/ Y330;Over the chaos of the empty waters/ Y329;Awake, arise, lift up your voice/ Y334;On the day of resurrection/ Y338;Up through endless ranks of angels/ Y346;Holy Spirit, ever living/ Y347;Praise the Spirit in creation/ Y354;O God in heaven/ Y362;Creating God, your fingers trace/ Y364;Bring many names/ Y371;Hope for the Children/ Y373;Behold a broken World/ Y383;Lo! what a cloud of witness/ Y384;When Stephen, full of power and grace/ Y413;When Christ was lifted from the earth/ Y420;For the man and for the woman/ Y424;This land of beauty has been given/ Y425;God of the sparrow/ Y426;Thank you God, for water, soil, and air/ Y427;Still, I search for my God/ Y439;Woman in the night/ Y450;The Christ who died but rose again/ Y452;Surely it is God who saves me/ Y487;Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love▼2/ Y491;Eternal light, shine in my heart/ Y498;Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life/ Y499;Lord, make us servants of your peace/ Y516;How clear is our vocation, Lord/ Y517;Rise up, O saints of God/ Y524;Draw us in the Spirit's tether/ Y542;Help us accept each other/ Y546;Our Parent, by whose name/ Y562;O God of every nation (WILLIAM W.REID Jr.)/ Y563;Here am I/ Y564;Lord, you give the great commission/ Y568;Morning glory, starlit sky/ Y575;In the bulb there is a flower/

(B) 新生讃美歌(日本バプテスト連盟・1991改訂)
(F) 新生讃美歌増補版I(日本バプテスト連盟・1997)

B013:O my soul, bless God the Father/ B014;There's the wonder of sunset at evening/ B015;Stand up, and bless the Lord/ B020;We praise Thee with our minds/ B033;Gentle Mary laid the Child/ B034;K075?;Child in the manger (The Child of Agh)/ B035;While by the sheep we watched at night/ B041;Up Calvary's mountain/ B063;Come, Christians, join to sing/ B068;We have come into His house/ B070;Blessed Savior, we adre Thee/ B073;Holy Spirit, breathe on me/ B074;Come as a wisdom to children/ B080;Life is abudant to me/ B086;In love He came to save the world/ B087;(cf.i489;)I've found a friend who is all to me/ B090;I saw the cross of Jesus/ B093;I am resolved/ B104;If you are tired of the load/ B111;Why do you wait dear brother/ B113;Have you failed in your plan/ B116;To worship, work and witness/ B118;Come Holy Spirit, Dove divine/ B125;Have faith in God/ B127;Into the heart of Jesus deeper and deeper/ B133;There is never a day so dreary/ B142;In the light of on Calvary/ B145;Purer in heart O God/ B147;Lift the veil from my eyes, dear Lord/ B156;Jesus is Savior and Lord of my life/ B157;Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus/ B159;Take up thy cross and follow Me/ B163;Take my life, lead me, Lord/ B166;There's within my heart a melody/ B181;God is so good(しゅイエスはすばらしい)/ B185;My Shepherd will supply my need/ B192;God of grace, and God of glory/ B194;Coming now to Thee/ B196;Send a rivial, O Christ, my Lord/ B198;Set my soul afire, Lord/ B199;Saivor, teach me day by day/ B204;Lord, lay some soul upon my heart/ B205;O God of might, O Son of light/ B206;(cf.i053;) The love of God is broader/ B207;Today I hear the helpless cries/ B208;While passing through this world of sin/ B218;Come, all Christians, be committed/ B219;Serve the Lord with gladness/ B221;The Master has come/ B222:Hear ye the Master's call/ B224;Without Him I could do nothing/ B227;I stand amazed in the presence/ B230;I am satisfied with Jesus/ B237;Far away in the depth of my spirit/ B238;God the Omnipotent! King who ordainest/ B239;God give us Christian homes/ B241;A day for singing/ B255;Love divine, so great and wondrous/ F021;My Faith Has Found a Resting Place/ F030;Carols Sing/ F033;Baptized in Water/ F038;I Am His, and He is Mine/ F039;The Bond of Love/ F042;Now I Belong to Jesus/ F043;I Have Come From the Darkness/ F050;Here We Stand 吉高叶/ F053;People Need the Lord/ F061;F062;(cf.X545a) Gloria Patri /

(M) ミクタムプレイズ&ワーシップ (MICHTAM PRAISE & WORSHIP) 改訂版(MICHTAM BOOKS・1993)
(P) リビングプレイズ 楽譜集(いのちのことば社・1995)

M003;P084;あなたのみまえには/ M004;Come and Let Us Go/ M005;The Law of the Lord Is Perfect/ M009;P076;This is My Rest(ここはわがすまい)/ M012;They Shall the Virgin/ M017;P079;えいこうからえいこうへ/ M018;P021;All in the Name of Jesus(イエスわがすべて)/ M024;P031;Bless the Lord, O My Soul (cf.N046;)/ M025;Thy Loving Kindness/ M028;Hiding Place/ M029;Therefore the Redeemed/ M032;P101;For His Name Is Exalted/ M033;Great is the Lord/ M035;The Joy of the Lord/ M036;P010;ほめたたえよしゅのみなを 能城一郎/ M044;By My Spirit/ M046;P065;The Spirit of the Lord/ M051;He is Lord/ M052;To God Be the Glory (ANDRAE CROUCH)/ M055;P046;イエスそのみなは 和田美智子/ M057;P067;I Will Bless Thee, O Lord/ M059;P018;The Greatest Thing/ M062;P047;しゅよあなたをあいします/ M065;P066;わきあがれこころのいど/ M066;P070;Holy, Holy (JIMMIY OWENS)/ M068;Sing Hallelujah/ M069;P078;Heavenly Father (Heavenly Father I appreciate you)/ M070;Lift Up Your Heads/ M071;I Worship You/ M072;P172;How Majestic Is Your Name/ M074;O Magnify the Lord/ M075;His Praise Fills the Temple/ M077;P116;Sing Unto the Lord/ M078;I Will Magnify (SCOTT PALAZZO)/ M079;P106;My Lord Is Worthy (The Lord is worthy)/ M082;He's Magnificent/ M084;P117;こひつじイエスよ 小坂忠/ M085;For You Are Glorious/ M087;P183;You Are Crowned With Many Crowns (JOHN SELLERS)/ M090;Great Is Your Love/ M091;P200;Holy Holy Holy (Hosanna)/ M092;P087;Here Comes Jesus/ M094;P148;Walking in the Spirit/ M095;P115;えいこうのくもがみやにみちて 能城一郎/ M096;P145;High Tower(わがかみわがしゅよ)/ M098;P182;I Worship You Almighty God/ M099;Holy Is the Lord (FRANK HERNANDEZ)/ M100;The Battle Belongs to the Lord/ M102;My Life Is in You, Lord/ M103;Lord of All/ M104;Hosanna (Magnify the Lord and Sing) (TODD PETTYGROVE)/ M106;P174;He Is Jehovah/ M107;P147;しゅよかんしゃします 志熊ふく子/ M109;Thy Word (AMY GRANT & MICHAEL W,SMITH)/ M110;Search Me O God (cf.i280;)/ M116;P083;You Are the Mighty King/ M117;P080;Praise Him/ M118;P184;しゅのまえにひざまずき 岩渕亮/ M119;P158;いんまぬえるうるわしいみな 藤沢映之/ M120;Revival in the Land/ M121:P164;きよいみたまよ 岩渕亮/ M122;Give Me Oil in My Lamp/ M123;Rejoice/ M124;O the Blood of Jesus/ M127;P108;Thou Art Worthy Great Jehovah/ M129;P068;My All In All/ M130;Blessed Be Your Glorios Name/ M131;Celebrate Jesus/ M132;Thy Word Is a Lamp/ M134;We Sing Alleluia/ M135;Hosanna! (GARY PLIVER)/ M136;Clap. Clap Your Hands/ M137;He Is the Living God/ M138;I Will Come and Bow Down/ M139;P114;Praise Song/ M142;Heaven Is in My Heart/ M143;Exalted/ M144;Cross Every Border/ M147;Lord, Send Me/ M148;Lord's Prayer/ M149;Worthy Is the Lamb (GERALD W.SCHLABACH)/ M150;Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is Lord (GARY OLIVER)/ M151;Give God the Glory/ M153;I Will Come to You/ M155;Let the Flame Burn Brighter/ M157;Glory, Glory Lord/ M159;P104;I was Made to Praise You/ M160;P180;えいこういげんちから スリヤ佐野一夫/ M162;As David Did/ M163;We Believe(使徒信条)/ M165;Go Forth in His Name/ M166;Hymn of Glory/ M168;Great Is the Lord/ M170;We Have Come to Glorify/ M171;Sing Praises/ M172;Lord, I Lift Your Name on High/ M174;P006;He Is Our Peace/ M175;Shout, Shout For Joy/ M178;Shall Not Be Moved/ M180;I Love Thee/ M181;I Will Bless the Lord/ M182;I'm So Glad/ P002;We have into his house/ P003;All hail King Jesus/ P004;Emmanuel (BOB McCGEE)/ P007;He is the Lord/ P009;I will sing (DONYA BROCKWAY)/ P011;K233?;I love you Lord/ P012;Open your eyes/ P014;Alleluja (JERRY SINCLAIR)/ P020;My peace/ P024; O, Lord you are beautiful/ P025;K508;This is the Day (LES GARRETT)/ P027;From the risen sun/ P028;I exalt Thee/ P029;Humble yourselves/ P030;Bless the Lord/ P032;Lift up your hands/ P034;You are my hiding place/ P035;Only Jesus/ P036;Thou art worthy (PAULINE M.MILLS) (cf.M127;P108;)/ P037;Change my heart/ P038;My tribute/ P039;Be glorified/ P040;Father I adore you/ P041;Jesus what a wonder you are/ P042;I just want to praise you/ P045;Isn't he/ P048;Praise the name of Jesus/ P049;Freely freely/ P050;There's something about the name/ P051;K409?;Open our eyes Lord/ P052;In moments like this/ P053;A shield about me/ P054;Jesus loves me (KURT KAISER)/ Oh, how he loves you and me/ P055;Spirit song/ P057;His name is higher/ P059;Glorify thy name/ P061;Spirit of God (HANNEKE JOCOBS)/ P062;Ande du som livet ger/ P069;As a deer/ P072;There is a river/ P073;He lives (ALFRED H.ACKLEY)/ P074;Come into his presence/ P075;One thing I have desired/ P077;Sweep over my soul/ P092;Bless ye the Lord/ P094;Glory to the King (cf.P195;)/ P095;K547?;When I look into your holiness/ P096;Go out with Joy/ P097;Sometimes Alleluia/ P098;Alleluia/ P100;I will praise the Lord (JEFF JOYNER)/ P103;Give thanks/ P107;Great and mighty (MARLENE BIGLEY)/ P109;Worthy, you are worthy/ P111;Be exalted O God/ P112;We bring the sacrifice of praise/ P113;He has made me glad/ P119;Blessed be the name of the Lord/ P120;Jesus, Lord to me/ P121;Blessed be the Lord God Almighty/ P122;Come, let us worship and bow down/ P123;Cover me/ P124;In his presence/ P125;Cares chorus/ P126;Rock of my salvation/ P127;We bow down/ P129;K500?;There is a redeemer/ P130;Commune with me/ P131;Thank you, Lord (cf.i699;)/ P134;Jesus we enthrone you/ P135;They that wait upon the Lord/ P136;Hiding place/ P137;The Lord is my strength/ P138;I give all my life to you/ P141;Wonderful grace (JOHN PANTRY)/ Pl42;The steadfast love of the Lord/ P143;Shepherd of my soul/ P146;It was for You/ P149;Peace like a river/ P150;Peace give I to Thee/ P151:Wonderful Saviour, glorious King (BILL YARGER)/ P152;Prince of peace/ P153;It is well with my soul/ P154;We are an offering/ P155;His name is life/ P156;The sweetest name of all/ P157;I sing praises to your name/ P159;Our God reigns/ P162;Father God/ P163;Ah, Lord God/ P166;Mighty is our God/ P167;Victory song/ P168;People of God/ P170;Worthy is the lamb that was slain (DON MOEN)/ P171;To him who sits on the Throne/ P173;Awesome God/ P175;I am the God that healeth Thee/ P176;Arise shine/ P177;Christ in me/ P178;Trees of the field/ P181;In the name of the Lord/ P186;You reign with power/ P187;Behold the lamb/ P188;Come into the King's chamber/ P189;Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord (PETER SHELTERS)/ P190;I stand in awe/ P191;I will magnify (RUSSELL L.LOWE)/ P192;God and God alone/ P194;Song for the nations/ P195;Glory to the King (cf.P094;)/ P196;How excellent is your name/ P198;Soon and very soon/ P199;We will glorify/ P201;Forever, oh Lord/ P203;Alleluia Christ is born/ P204;Glory to God (TWILA PARIS)/ P206;Mary's Boy child/ P212;Happy Christmas/ P215;Rejoice and be exceedingly glad/ P220;Come on ring those bells/ P221;A thousand candles/

(E) THE ENGLISH HYMNAL(英語賛美歌)(基督教音楽出版・1955)

E046;Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide, ever near the Christian's side/ E052;My Dear Redeemer and My Lord, I read my duty in Thy word/ E065;Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices/ E126;Father Almighty, Bless Us with Thy blessing/ E156;We Would See Jesus, for the shadows lengthen/ E168;All My Heart This Night Rejoices/ E202;God Bless Our Native Land, Firm may she everstand/ E205;With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud/ E211;From the Table now Retiring, Which for us the Lord hath spread/ E216;There're a Church in the Valley yb the wildwood/ E229;Sunset and Evening Star, And one clear call for me!/ E242;O'er All the Way Green Palms and Blossoms Gay/ E252;O wondrous type, O vision fair of Glory that the Church shall share/ E254;God Himself is with us: Let us now adore Him/ E255;Whate'er my God ordains is right; His holy will a bideth/ E258;Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed/ E258;All praise to Thee, Eternal Lord, Clothed in garb of flesh and blood/ E259;Now woods and fields are sleeping, And darkness fast is creeping o'er meadow/ E262;Unto the hills around do I lift up my longing eyes/ E266;Light of the world, we hail Thee, Flushing the eastern skies/ E267;Father, again in Jesus Name we meet/ E269;Light of light, enlighten me, Now a new the day is dawning/ E274;Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach/ E277;If thou but suffer God to guide thee/ E279;Wake awake for night is flying/ E280;Now yield we thanks and praise To Christ enthroned in glory/ E281;I know a rose tree Springing Forth from an ancient root/ E282;Break forth, O beauteous heavnly light/ E284;Here betwixt ass and Oxen mild, Sleep, sleep, sleep, my little child/ E287;"Welcome, happy morning!" age to age shall say/ E294;Jesus, All my gladness, My respose in sadness/

作成・八木谷涼子 2002

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