Enjoy reading "Lawrence" in Japanese!
Lesson 1
Last Updated 21 FEB.1998
In my school days, I used a dictionary with 4,800 Chinese characters, which are ideograms with a few meanings and pronounciations each. But don't worry. ONLY 1,450 characters are constituted officially for basic use, and we also use a very convenient system of syllabic writing, called Kana. Kana is composed of Hiragana and Katakana, only less than a hundred simple phonograms, which are able to transcribe most sounds of a foreign language.
However, courage! You DON'T need to memorise ALL of those characters.
ONLY FOUR LETTERS of Kana (not Chinese character) for "Lawrence" in Japanese.
Now, let's lean the four-letter-word and enrich your life more!
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